Following the positive outcome of the consultation process on the preliminary results of the Roadmap 2010 study as presented at its European Wood Day, the European Confederation of Woodworking Industries, CEI-Bois, has now released a CD-rom with the main results of phase I of the study, marking the launch of the second phase aiming at increasing the market shares for wood and wood-based products and solutions in Europe.
The CD-Rom that was released last week includes the summaries, final conclusions and action plans drawn from the work performed on environmental analyses and wood fibre availability, market developments on European and non-European markets, barriers to the enhanced use of wood and perception analyses. It is available from the CEI-Bois secretariat and member federations (see upon request.
The Roadmap results having shown that the base case demand forecast for wood products till 2010 would be unsatisfactory to reach the ultimate objective of “wood and wood products to become the leading material in construction and interior solutions by 2010”, five strategic processes have been started to overcome this rather bleak outlook and substantially increase the use of wood.
These are the core processes “Building with wood”, “Living with wood” and “Wood used in packaging and transport” and the support processes “Wood in sustainable development” and “CEI-Bois consolidation”. For each of these processes and based on suggestions made in the Roadmap, detailed work programmes are currently being worked out to cover issues around Promotion, Research & Development (innovation), Lobbying and Competence (training/education).
CEI-Bois is most pleased with the interest shown by its members and woodworking industrialists across Europe in the Roadmap 2010 process and the commitment towards reaching the common goals. In fact, Phase II will be driven by the CEI-Bois member bodies, with the Austrian association of the Wood Industries (AT) assuming the responsibility for the “Building with Wood” process and Confemadera (ES) for the “Living with Wood” process.
The European Panel Federation (EPF) and the European Organisation of the Sawmill Industry (EOS) have expressed their interest to co-lead the support process “Wood in Sustainable Development”. A driver for the “Wood used in Packaging and Transport” will be announced within short.
Thanks to the Roadmap 2010, a process initiated by CEI-Bois chairman Bo Borgström in 2002, the woodworking industries now hold a powerful tool to achieve the ultimate goal of, through co-operation, making their products, made from the unique raw material wood, thé reference in Europe.
© 2004
Source vom 2004-05-13.
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