The bottle is made from bioplastic PLA and AIMPLAS explains that it is the first bottle manufactured with this material that replicates the design of traditional glass bottles for wine, with some main advantages: it is lighter (50 grams), fully-recyclable and its manufacturing process has a lower environmental impact.

Funded within the programme, EEA GRANTS through CDTI, the project has resulted in a lighter and fully-recyclable packaging with lower environmental impact than conventional ones.
AIMPLAS says that it has been subcontracted by the winery to design the preform mould and the blowing mould of the bottle manufactured with PLA. Furthermore, it has been made the characterisation of the new packaging, what has also improved its permeability.
AIMPLAS, the Plastics Technology Centre, has been subcontracted by Bodega Matarromera among this project to design the new sustainable packages, as well as the preform mould and the blowing mould of these sustainable bottles. It has also carried out the characterisation of the new packaging that, thanks to an inner coating with silicon oxide it has been noted a considerable improvement of the permeability to different gases.
This project has benefited from funds of the EEA GRANTS, funded by Norway, Iceland and Liechtenstein, as well as by the Ministry of Science and Innovation from Spain through CDTI. The research is framed within the company’s commitment with environmental sustainability, what will allow a differentiation and increase of competitiveness in new markets with a high environmental awareness as well, as the Nordic countries and specifically the Scandinavian airlines.
NetComposites, press release, 2016-03-08.
AIMPLAS (Asociación de Investigación de Materiales Plásticos y Conexas)
EEA Grants
European Environment Agency (EEA)
Matarromera Group
Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad
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