Barton Blakeley Technologies (BBT) has developed the first carbon conversion system, converting CO2 emissions into hydrophobic silica. The technology, known as HYPER Xi, converts waste carbon dioxide into materials used in a wide range of industries that manufacture everyday products. The material is used for various functions such as waterproofing, thickening, thinning, anti-microbial functionality, and support in plastics, rubbers, silicones, paints, electronics, cosmetics, and pharmaceuticals.
This allows manufacturers to produce products like touchscreens, paint, inks, tyres, hand cream, cement… pretty much anything directly from CO2thereby stopping its emission.
What is silica used for?

Silica is a material used in a wide range of industries. Known users of silica include industries manufacturing coatings, rubbers, adhesives, touchscreens, glass, electronics, pharmaceuticals, inks, and cosmetics. Barton Blakeley’s carbon converted silica is produced from captured CO2, therefore allowing these industries to directly reduce their carbon footprint. For example, 1 ton of Barton Blakeley’s silica equals over 600 kg of CO2directly converted and therefore prevented from being emitted.
Barton Blakeley is able to customise the nanopowder to suit desired functionalities. As an example, they can draw on characteristics such as hydrophobicity to increase water repellence in certain applications. Alternatively, they can enhance or dilute aspects such as thermal and UV resistance for 3D printing or coatings. Our customer-focused approach to the silica manufacturing process ensures improved quality and beneficial product characteristics. Customers can now buy tyres where up to 25% of the product was originally emitted carbon.
First Carbon Emission Reduction System
HYPER Xi is the first carbon capture and conversion system of its kind. It is the company’s belief that the only way to stop climate change altogether is to start viewing CO2 as a resource, rather than wasting it through emitting – the main cause of climate change.

HYPER Xi allows the consumption of as much as 6 tons of CO2 annually (the equivalent of 275 trees) from an industrial of footprint as little as 2 m2. Harnessing the value of carbon dioxide, Barton Blakeley’s mission is to create cheaper methods of manufacturing products for customers through actually lowering carbon emissions. Previous silica manufacturing methods are energy-intensive and strain local environments.
Barton Blakeley’s revolutionary process uses next to zero energy and they aim to capture millions of tons of CO2 by 2030.
About Barton Blakeley
The team at Barton Blakeley came together from different disciplines with a united goal to help stop climate change through the conversion of carbon emissions.
Christopher Barton, CEO and Founder of Barton Blakeley commented
“We are hugely passionate about affecting climate change and reducing carbon emissions at Barton Blakeley. The launch comes following years of research and hard work from the team. This technology makes CO2emissions, a profitable manufacturing material. Our mission is to make people in the future, wonder why emissions were ever thrown away.”
Nicole Sadd, CEO, Rothamsted Enterprises, also commented:
“Barton Blakeley are one of our tenants at Rothamsted and we are absolutely delighted to see them launch this innovative, first-for-the-UK carbon conversion system. The team’s passion, drive and energy is not only inspiring but also crucial in the fight to reduce carbon emissions and slow climate change.”
Barton Blakeley will progress through final testing and certification of its new facility aiming to be ready for main production in January 2022.

Barton Blakeley Technologies, press release, 2021-11-17.
Barton Blakeley Technologies (BBT)
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