Dear Reader,
In this newsletter we present the results of the analysis of business cases for the nine bio-based chemicals which could represent an opportunity for European chemicals industry. The aim of this deliverable was to obtain learnings about prospects and issues of different categories of bio-based chemicals: drop-ins, smart drop-ins and dedicated chemicals, and to use this knowledge to inform the Roadmap and the action which will lead to increased production of bio-based products in Europe.
Enjoy the newsletter!
Mladen Crnomarković
On behalf of the RoadToBio consortium
Case studies on potentialy attractive opportunities for bio-based chemicals in Europe
The nine bio-based chemicals have been selected from a long list of opportunities which have been ranked by market attractiveness factors and TRLs of the bio-based chemicals.
To capture wider knowledge about bio-based chemicals representation of different product groups and different biogenic feedstock was considered when choosing the bio-based opportunities.
The business cases were analysed using an in-depth assessment of the value chains, markets, potential and barriers of nine potentially attractive opportunities compared to their fossil-based equivalents.
Cost competitiveness, sustainability impact and advanced functionality are the key factors in determining the displacement of fossil derived chemicals

The analysis of the nine business case studies shows the economic value of the markets that could be accessed by these bio-based chemicals is very large. There are a number of opportunities to replace fossil-based chemicals with bio-based chemicals, which could lead to more sustainable products on the market, in some cases with improved performance and functionality and relatively lower production costs.
In most of the cases, bio-based chemicals have lower greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions compared to their fossil-derived equivalents. Large volume bio-based drop-ins like ethylene, and dedicated polymers such as PEF or glycerol derivatives could lead to significant displacement of fossil-based feedstock and improve the overall carbon footprint of European chemical industry.
A significant driver for dedicated bio-based plastics such as PEF, PLA and PHA is the environmental impact after disposal, where recycling and/or biodegradability are key end-of-life considerations.
An important enabler for the development and the market uptake of bio-based chemicals will be improving the cost competitiveness of bio-based chemicals. Supply of low cost renewable sugars and technology advances in utilization of waste feedstock are major opportunities for cutting the production costs and improving sustainability of bio-based chemicals.
Focus should be on development of innovative bio-based products which outperform traditional fossil-based products technically, environmentally and in terms of process efficiency – improved functionality and value will result in a strong end-user drivers.
Seizing the opportunities in the bio-based sector will best be achieved through a range of supporting activities including research programmes and funding, the facilitation of networks and collaborations, the establishment of open access piloting and demonstration facilities, support for early stage companies, as well as demand side measures.
If you are interested in finding out more about the results of the analysis of the business cases you can read the full report of the deliverable D1.2 here.
What you can expect from the next newsletter
The roadmap is not developed by the consortium alone, but in cooperation with various stakeholders from the chemical industry, NGOs, brand owners, academia and governmental bodies.
We would like to use the October Newsletter as an opportunity to introduce you to Stakeholder involvement in RoadToBio, which is important in the development of the Roadmap, and to show the different ways in which feedback is integrated into the Roadmap.
Join the network
We would like to invite you to join us on the journey to a more bio-based chemical industry. The roadmap should contain clear, realistic goals. Your knowledge and experience is necessary to create a market relevant roadmap with a high impact. Therefore, we will conduct workshops and webinars to involve you as stakeholder.
Your opinion is of utmost importance to us. Through your participation, you get the opportunity to help shape the development process and to find your opinion later in the roadmap.
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Introduction of the RoadToBio Team
The consortium of this two-year project, which started in May 2017, consists of four members:
DECHEMA Gesellschaft für Chemische Technik und Biotechnologie e.V.,
BTG Biomass Technology Group BV,
nova-Institut für politische und ökologische Innovation GmbH.
They bring in complementary expertise in relevant fields of the bioeconomy and chemical industry, covering in depth all aspects that need to be included in the roadmap.
RoadtoBio Newsletter No. 10, September 2018, 2018-09.
Biomass Technology Group BV (BTG)
DECHEMA Gesellschaft für Chemische Technik und Biotechnologie e.V.
nova-Institut GmbH
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