Alternative Naphtha – Technologies and Market, Status and Outlook (PDF) – Short Version



For the defossilisation of the chemical industry, it is crucial to find alternatives to fossil-based naphtha. The “alternative naphtha” concept makes use of existing refinery, steam cracking and chemical industry infrastructure where a proportion of fossil-based feedstocks – crude oil or fossil-based naphthas can be replaced by renewable carbon alternatives derived from the three sources of renewable carbon: CO2, biomass and recycling.

This new report by nova-Institute presents an analysis of the routes, associated technologies, market players and volumes by which renewable carbon can be introduced to refinery and steam cracking operations as replacement for fossil based feedstocks.

With 188 pages, 22 tables and illustrated by 48 graphics the report provides a comprehensive view on the growth in capacity for these alternative sources of naphtha as chemical industry feedstock, production routes and the need for “upgrading”, key companies and partnerships and the regulatory environment.

DOI No.:

Gillian Tweddle, Lars Krause, Pauline Ruiz, Achim Raschka, Aylin Özgen, Nicolas Hark, Michael Carus (nova-Institute)
Date of publication
Jul 2024
File type