Succinic acid: From a promising building block to a slow seller – what will a realistic future market look like?
100 € – 500 € ex. tax
Levulinic acid and succinic acid – A realistic look at the present and future of two versatile bio-based platform chemicals and their market development
Two new market reports published by nova-Institute shed light on the current and future market situation of these previously acclaimed promising bio-based building blocks
Both chemicals, levulinic and succinic acid, were selected twice as promising bio-based building blocks for the chemical industry. While a strong hype pushed exaggerated market expectations for succinic acid, levulinic acid developed in secret.
A comprehensive and especially realistic view on the production and market potential of both bio-based building blocks compared to their fossil-based counterparts is given. Although both still have a high chemical potential, they have fallen short of technology and market demand expectations. Current market data combined with ongoing technology development and an expected decrease of oil prices has led to a new carefully estimated future market growth for both levulinic and succinic acid.

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