More than 200 (latest list of participants) leading experts of industrial hemp from 35 countries – active in investment, agriculture, processing and manufacturing of final products – are expected at the “12th International Conference of the European Industrial Hemp Association (EIHA)”, 20-21 May 2015, in Wesseling near Cologne, Germany: This record participation is in line with the industry’s two digit growth.
The total cultivation area reached about 85,000 ha in 2011, approximately 60,000 ha for fibres (mainly China and Europe) and 25,000 ha for seeds (mainly Canada, China and Europe). Currently, hemp is cultivated on over 18,000 ha in the EU, the largest area in the last 11 years, with a growing share of seed production. Industrial hemp is grown today in at least 13 Member States.
Industrial hemp is well known for its strong fibres, which are increasingly used in the European automotive industry for the reinforcement of interior plastic parts, as well as for environment-friendly insulation material and cress growing fleeces. Cigarette paper is often made with hemp fibre cellulose. The woody core of the hemp plant, the shivs, is used for animal bedding and garden mulching, with lime in house construction and in lightweight particle boards.
Hemp seed and oil are a nutrition powerhouse, an excellent source of several critical mineral nutrients and vitamins. Its oil has an outstanding fatty acid spectrum; its protein is balanced and easily digested. Their nutritional composition is very much in line with several major trends in the science and marketing of food
The seed production for the food and feed markets is growing specially fast: In Canada, more than 36,000 ha (+25%) Hemp is cultivated for seeds in 2014 and in 2015, the area is even expected to reach 50,000 ha (+28%). 95% of the 18,000 t seeds (from harvest 2014) target the food markets, especially the U.S. food market.
Additionally, cannabidiol (CBD), a by-product from industrial hemp, shows high therapeutic and financial potential without any negative side effects.
Register now for the conference at and get in touch with more than 200 international industrial hemp experts!
nova-Institut GmbH, 2015-05-04.
European Industrial Hemp Association (EIHA)
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