Growth is expected in the biomaterials market, with brand investment driven by consumer demand and public image, according to the results of the #WhatBrandsWant survey by communications and PR agency Sustainability Consult. The findings, released in a new report investigating the brand-biomaterials relationship, reveal a growing commitment towards renewable materials and alternatives to fossil-based products.
Half of the brands surveyed have set targets for bio-based products. One quarter said bio-based content was one of the selection criteria when choosing a supplier based on sustainability performance. Of the brands not currently using bio-based materials, two-thirds intend to incorporate them into future product lines.
Cost is viewed as the main barrier to adoption, followed by performance and availability. Respondents also cited concerns regarding feedstock, end-of-life options, as well as a lack of consumer understanding. To remedy these problems, brands are looking to the bio-based industry to provide credible information on product advantages.
Richard Delahay, Managing Director at Sustainability Consult said, “Since 2011, Sustainability Consult has worked closely with companies invested in the bioeconomy. We often hear this industry ask the same question: how can we encourage brands to invest in renewable materials? Our first ever stakeholder survey provides clear pointers, highlighting opportunities for action to mainstream bio-based solutions.”
Over a six-month period, Sustainability Consult surveyed more than 6,000 participants and analysed responses from over 40 brands. The results offer unique end-user insights on the drivers and barriers affecting the renewable materials market.
Download the full report for free here:
About Susatinability Consult
Sustainability Consult is the leading bioeconomy communications and PR consultancy, working with organisations to build their Credibility & Visibility. We work across the biomaterials sector, with start-ups, multinationals, certification bodies, investors and trade associations. We are based in Brussels and operate internationally.
A trusted partner and recognised source for the media, Sustainability Consult has a proven track record in brand building and corporate communications. We offer a full range of high-level consultancy services, from PR to marketing communications and online strategy, social media account management and training, events organisation, reports and media monitoring through to issues management and crisis communications.
Sustainability Consult, press release, 2017-11-09.
Sustainability Consult
What Brands Want, LLC
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