The Lenzing Lyocell fiber TENCEL® is the first fiber to be medically tested according to the FKT test method criteria for body compatibility and toxic substances.
The Lyocell fiber TENCEL® stands for skin-sensory properties in many products. Particularly in the home textiles market, these properties are essential in bed linens when it comes to the end consumer’s buying decision. Textiles which come into contact with the skin should satisfy the highest standards. Lenzing has taken the first important step with this test by KFT, the Fördergemeinschaft Körperverträgliche Textilien e.V.

Thus TENCEL® is the first fiber which may use the FKT label “MEDICALLY TESTED – TESTED FOR TOXINS”. “Sleep is critical to good health,” Dr. Susanne Jary, Director Home & Interiors at Lenzing, explains. “A medically proven starting material such as the TENCEL® fiber promotes good health. Above all, bed linens which are mostly in direct contact with the skin can make a major contribution towards general well-being,” Jary continues. “For this reason, it is extremely important to us that our fiber satisfies the criteria of the FKT label and is thus a pre-requisite for health-friendly home textiles.”
Cooperation with FKT to promote body compatible textiles
”Cooperation with Lenzing is an important step to establish the FKT label in the textile industry,” Prof. Dr. Michael Doser, Board Member of the Fördergemeinschaft Körperverträgliche Textilien, explains. “The FKT label is a reliable quality characteristic for strictly scientific and independently tested textiles,” he says. FKT awards the label “MEDICALLY TESTED – TESTED FOR TOXINS” which is a reliable quality label for textiles that don’t release any chemicals that may irritate the skin or damage a person’s health.
This unique combination of tests for harmful substances and for sensitive effect-based body compatibility provides double tested safety. The manufacturers of high-quality textiles use this scientific certification to verify their quality standards and build a high degree of confidence with their end customers. These high-quality testing standards ensure that the TENCEL® fiber meets the strictest skin compatibility tests in line with the approval criteria for medical devices. This generates trust and transparency in and for the end consumer and offers considerable influence when it comes to the decision to buy the textile.
Lenzing, press release, 2015-01-15.
Fördergemeinschaft Körperverträgliche Textilien e.V.
Lenzing Gruppe
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