25 November 202420 November 2024 Europe missing out on the potential of bio-waste with almost 75% ending up in landfills or incinerated The Bio-based Industries Consortium (BIC) together with Zero Waste Europe (ZWE) to produce a second edition of the report identifying the untapped potential to valorise bio-waste in Europe
17 April 202415 April 2024 EuRIC, FEAD and NGOs back “polymer-only” allocation method for plastic from chemical recycling Several organisations sent a joint letter to policy officers of the European Commission’s DG Environment last week urging them to consider amending the proposal’s allocation rules
12 February 20243 February 2024 France made composting compulsory. What does it mean for the bioeconomy? France already has had the third highest rates of circular material usage in the EU after the Netherlands and Belgium in first and second place
13 December 20237 December 2023 A position for the wrong century: European Parliament’s vote on the PPWR Though waste prevention targets were preserved at 5% by 2030, 10% by 2035, and 15% by 2040, the watered-down text excluded crucial mechanisms needed to actually reach the environmental targets
24 October 202317 October 2023 Verpackungsgesetz: EU ringt um Definition von „hochwertigem“ Recycling Umweltorganisationen warnen vor dem Downcycling hochwertiger Materialien zu minderwertigen Produkten, da Papier zur größten Abfallquelle in der EU werden könnte
Definition of ‘high-quality’ recycling takes centre stage in EU packaging law Environmental groups warn against downcycling high-quality materials into lower-quality products, saying paper risks becoming the largest source of packaging waste in the EU
24 April 202320 April 2023 The term recycling must not be watered down by pyrolysis and gasification Two new studies set the wrong priorities and could encourage problematic policy decisions on pyrolysis and gasification of plastic packaging waste
11 October 20226 October 2022 Biobasiertes Upcycling: Vom Rest- zum Wertstoff Vorhandene biobasierte Ressourcen sollten nachhaltig und möglichst vollständig – das heißt mit allen ihren Bestandteilen – verwertet und in Zwischenschritten mehrfach genutzt werden können
19 May 202213 May 2022 New EU laws risk promoting ‘downcycling’ of plastic bottles, industry warns As part of the EU’s drive to create a more sustainable economy, the EU executive is planning to propose mandatory requirements for recycled content and waste reduction measures for key products such as packaging
Neues EU-Gesetz droht Kreislauf des Plastikflaschen-Recycling zu brechen Neue Norm mit verbindlichen Zielvorgaben für den Recyclinganteil aller Kunststoffe könnte die Recycling-Bemühungen der Hersteller von Kunststoffflaschen zum Scheitern bringen
2 May 202226 April 2022 Der Engpass bei Kunststoffrezyklaten ist überwindbar Wie können Branchen wie die Automobilindustrie, die Lebensmittel- und Getränkeindustrie und die Kosmetikindustrie eine zuverlässige Versorgung mit hochwertigem recycelten Ausgangsmaterial sicherstellen?
23 February 202218 February 2022 New report: PET, the most circular of all plastics, is far from real circularity A picture of the true state of circularity of this material in bottles in Europe – including how much material from bottles is collected for recycling; how much of it is actually recycled; and how much of recycled PET is put into new bottles
28 July 20219 September 2021 “Design for Chemical Recycling” kills Innovation Upstream Zero Waste Europe, together with RPa and ECOS, has published the report Designing for real recycling, not plastic lock-in
15 July 202112 July 2021 Measuring EU Member State performance on bio-waste BIC and Zero Waste Europe report and country factsheets demonstrate untapped potential
26 January 202129 January 2021 nova Session: “Chemical Recycling – Status, Trends, and Challenges” – Final Programme available! 10 February 2021, 10:00 – 14:00 h (webinar via zoom)
8 January 202112 January 2021 nova Session: “Chemical Recycling – Status, Trends, and Challenges” – Check out the preliminary programme! 10 February 2021, 10:00 – 14:00 h (webinar via zoom)
25 November 20209 September 2021 EU defines sustainable plastic manufacturing in draft green finance rules Chemical recycling will need to emit less than manufacturing with virgin materials to be considered 'green'
14 September 20209 September 2020 Bio-based industries equipped to help Europe meet its waste objectives Research by ZWE and BIC maps bio-waste collection and potential
4 September 20209 September 2021 Chemical recycling or recovery? The circular economy hangs in the balance Recent review of scientific and technological evidence highlights the limits of these technologies to deal with plastic waste
21 August 202022 August 2020 EU Promotes Greater Global Responsibility on Plastic Waste – But Not for Internal Market Green Groups Denounce Europe's "Do As I Say, Not As I Do" Policy
5 August 20201 August 2020 Chemical Recycling legislation should take a precautionary approach to ensure prevention measures remain at the core of the EU’s Circular Economy promises Janek Vahk blogs about the new joint statement on chemical recycling from the Rethink Plastic alliance, ECOS, Health Care Without Harm (HCWH), European Environmental Bureau (EEB) and Zero Waste Europe
21 July 202021 July 2020 The potential of bio waste in Europe BIC is actively involved in a number of European research programs to convert and process collected waste into useful applications
2 July 202026 June 2020 Rethink Plastic Alliance et al launch policy brief on plastic-to-fuels ahead of EC meeting on revised Renewable Energy Directive Environmental group Rethink Plastic Alliance has led the launch of a policy brief entitled “Recycled Carbon Fuels in the Renewable Energy Directive”
29 June 202020 July 2020 Tackling Europe’s food waste problem – bio-based industries offer innovative solutions Report details the current generation and capture rates of bio-waste for each EU27 Member State, plus Norway and the United Kingdom
6 March 20203 March 2020 Bio-based solutions for a future-fit Europe – How can the bio-based sector contribute to EU Green Deal and to a zero-waste-europe? "Bio-based solutions for a future-fit Europe" conference gathered different stakeholders of the biobased sector to discuss and coordinate the future of the sector
12 February 20209 September 2021 The chemical cure? The final piece of the recycling jigsaw, or a toxic pseudo-solution? David Burrows reports on chemical recycling
16 February 201814 February 2018 The fight on plastics heats up in the EU A wind of change is blowing across Europe, trying to sweep away all the plastic bags that are littering our countries. January 2018 has been a busy month in this sense
29 January 201822 January 2018 Plastics Strategy: EU must heed example of best practices Reducing plastic use, especially single-use plastics, could be a game changer in Europe
22 January 201812 January 2018 Why the EU’s renewable energy proposal subverts the circular economy The draft Renewable Energy Directive creates a distortion in the waste market by making it comparatively cheaper to burn waste rather than to prevent it or recycle it
15 September 201713 September 2017 EU warned against renewables law ‘subverting’ the circular economy European Commission proposal to revise the Renewable Energy Directive will be voted on by the European Parliament’s environment committee on October 11-12
10 February 20178 February 2017 Break Free From Plastic Movement: European Commission Plastics Roadmap not leading anywhere Break Free From Plastic Movement believes that the EU Strategy on Plastics needs to face up to the scale of the plastics problem