3 January 202518 December 2024 Biorefinery advances waste treatment in Zaragoza CIRCULAR BIOCARBON’s new Spanish biorefinery is set to transform organic waste and sewage sludge into valuable bio-based products
Bioraffinerie bringt Abfallbehandlung in Saragossa voran Durch die neue spanische Bioraffinerie von CIRCULAR BIOCARBON sollen organische Abfälle und Klärschlämme in wertvolle biobasierte Produkte umgewandelt werden
23 October 202417 October 2024 Zaragoza inaugurates a pioneering biorefinery in Europe This new Biorefinery, funded by the CBE JU, owned by the Zaragoza City Council and operated by Urbaser, will enable the city to advance traditional waste treatment processes in Zaragoza and its surroundings