9 February 20245 February 2024 Lifetime of ‘biodegradable’ straws in the ocean is 8-20 months, study finds A team of researchers from the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution and others conducted experiments using real seawater to investigate the environmental lifetimes of different straws
28 April 202325 April 2023 Natural Wax Holds Promise to Replace Petroleum in Cosmetics and Personal Care Products Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution and Western Washington University Sign License Agreement for Upwell Cosmetics to Make and Market a Marine Microalga-Derived Wax
16 December 202110 December 2021 Study finds bio-based cellulose acetate plastic used in consumer goods disintegrates in ocean much faster than assumed Time lapse photographs and mass loss measurements documented the disintegration of CDA-based materials in the ocean
30 November 201728 November 2017 Seaweed could fuel 10% of US transportation needs, say scientists Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution will develop tools and technology to advance the mass production of seaweed for biofuels and bio-based chemicals