7 September 202331 August 2023 Braskem Announces Partnership with USP to Study and Develop CO2 Conversion Technologies The project's mission is to reuse CO2 to obtain chemical products such as olefins and alcohols, using it as a raw material for the production of polyolefins
12 February 20207 February 2020 Sugarcane bagasse may replace oil in plastic production Research is being conducted at the São Carlos Chemistry Institute
9 July 20148 July 2014 Payback time for soil carbon emitted from pasture conversion to sugarcane production is within three years Estimate made by Brazilian researchers in collaboration with foreign colleagues was published in the journal Nature Climate Change
16 February 20139 September 2021 Going negative: Stanford scientists explore new ways to remove atmospheric CO<sub>2</sub> GCEP-report describing suites of emerging carbon-negative solutions to global warming
28 November 201223 October 2013 China verzeichnet das stärkste Wachstum der WPC-Produktion Weltweite Verbreitung setzt sich fort
7 July 2012 Orange You Glad I Said Biofuel? Cellulose in shells of citrus peels - an optimal source for bio-ethanol
14 September 2011 Materials and fuels from waste orange – a new ‘OPEC’ for a greener future "Food residues and by-products are being generated in very significant quantities by the food industry and the agricultural sector"
17 December 2009 Von Landschaftszerschneidung betroffener Tropenwald speichert langfristig weniger Biomasse und Kohlendioxid Die Abholzung der tropischen Regenwälder könnte noch größeren Einfluss auf den Klimawandel haben als bislang gedacht
30 June 2009 Global Biorenewables Research Society established Input of scientific knowledge for policy-makers