16 January 202514 January 2025 From CO2 to acetaldehyde: towards greener industrial chemistry Scientists led by EPFL, the University of Copenhagen, and Shanghai University have developed a copper catalyst that can efficiently convert carbon dioxide into acetaldehyde, a key chemical used in manufacturing. The breakthrough offers a green alternative to fossil-fuel-based processes
Von CO2 zu Acetaldehyd: Auf dem Weg zu einer grüneren industriellen Chemie Mit diesem Durchbruch werden zwei Umweltprobleme auf einmal angegangen
2 July 202425 June 2024 Researchers invent one hundred percent biodegradable “barley plastic” University of Copenhagen scientists invented a new material made from modified barley starch that can completely decompose in nature
Kunststoff aus Gerstenstärke soll das Plastikproblem verringern Forschende der Universität Kopenhagen haben einen biologisch abbaubaren Biokunststoff aus Gerstenstärke und Zuckerrübenabfällen entwickelt, der das Potenzial hat, die Plastikverschmutzung erheblich zu reduzieren
6 January 20233 January 2023 Most colors are eco criminals: Here’s how to make purple greener UCPH researchers have teamed up with Danish company Octarine Bio to create new types of sustainable pigments
Universität von Kopenhagen: So wird Lila grüner Goodbye erdölbasierte Farbstoffe: Biotech-Start-up und Wissenschaftler revolutionieren die Farbproduktion
25 February 202225 February 2022 Mehrweg-Plastikflaschen setzen Hunderte von Chemikalien frei Kennen Sie den seltsamen Geschmack von Wasser, das eine Zeit lang in einer wiederverwendbaren Plastikflasche gelagert wurde?
Reusable plastic bottles release hundreds of chemicals Have you ever experienced the strange taste of water after it has been in a reusable plastic bottle for a while? It appears that there is a solid, yet worrying reason for this
7 October 20211 October 2021 New research centre to help solve the climate crisis A new, unique research centre has been launched. The Novo Nordisk Foundation CO2 Research Center is to be established with a grant of DKK 630 million from the Novo Nordisk Foundation (NNF) and based at Aarhus University. The new centre will ensure cross-disciplinary collaboration to reduce the amount of the greenhouse gas, CO2, in the atmosphere through researching and implementing new technology. The centre will be collaborating with a number of Danish and international partners
23 September 202018 September 2020 Mater designs stools made with leftover grain from beer and plastic insulin pens Spent grain leftovers from Carlsberg's beer production process combined with a granulate of plastic waste were used to create new furniture
16 November 20179 September 2021 Kohlendioxid als Rohstoff nutzen Kohlendioxid ist weitgehend als klimaschädliches Abgas bekannt – Die immer wiederkehrende Frage ist, ob man dieses Gas auch als Rohstoff nutzen könnte
19 September 201615 September 2016 The problem with vanilla After vowing to go natural, food brands face a shortage of the favored flavor
13 September 20169 September 2016 »Sweedhart«: Unkraut nicht bekämpfen, sondern als Biomasse nutzen Unkrautbefall der Felder kann auch ohne Herbizide gehemmt werden
7 September 20165 September 2016 Algae as vessels for (photo)synthetic biology Algae-powered photosynthetic houses or algae-made commercial products might not be very far from reality
10 March 20164 March 2016 Researchers’ new advance in quest for second generation biofuels York researcher present first time molecular structure of key enzymes involved in break down tough cellulose-based materials
10 November 20159 September 2021 Kohlendioxid als Rohstoff für die Umwandlung von Solarstrom in wertvolle chemische Produkte Drei neue Verbundprojekte unter Leitung des TU-Fachgebietes „Elektrochemische Katalyse und Materialien“ von Prof. Dr. Peter Strasser untersuchen Grundlagen und Anwendungen von elektrochemischen Katalyseprozessen
7 July 20156 July 2015 BP, Novozymes, Scania, Shell back launch of “Biofuels for Europe” info site In Brussels, a new interactive website “www.BiofuelsforEurope.eu” launched today in the European Parliament to summarize the latest science on key biofuels issues using fact-based, understandable information
13 April 20159 September 2021 Kohlenstoffhaltige Synthesegase als Alternative zu stärke- oder zuckerhaltigen Substraten Forschungscluster will mikrobielle Gasfermentation voranbringen
3 February 20152 February 2015 York scientists shed further new light on biomass breakdown New class of LPMO enzymes use oxygen from the air that allows a resistant form of starch to be broken down
4 November 20143 November 2014 Critics respond to study claiming poor GHG performance of cellulosic biofuels GCR notifying that using corn crop residue to make ethanol under some conditions can generate more greenhouse gases than gasoline
24 July 2013 Biotechnologie in Dänemark Einblicke in die Unternehmens- und Forschungslandschaft sowie in rechtliche Grundlagen eines interessanten Biotechnologie-Standortes in Europa
20 March 2013 Maersk Group’s search for alternative fuels Lignin-based fuel for marine applications to be developed by Progression Industry
31 August 2011 Cracking cellulose: a step into the biofuels future Fungi enzyme releases shorter sugars for bioethanol production