6 June 202431 May 2024 Recycling carbon dioxide into household chemicals Argonne National Laboratory researchers report about a new catalyst which transforms carbon dioxide from industrial emissions into commonly used chemicals
Recycling von Kohlendioxid zu Haushaltschemikalien Neuer Katalysator verwandelt Kohlendioxid aus Industrieemissionen in gängige Chemikalien
5 June 202431 January 2025 Controlling water, transforming greenhouse gases Scientists looking to convert carbon dioxide into clean fuels and useful chemicals often make hydrogen gas and carbonates as unwanted byproducts. A new paper from the UChicago Pritzker School of Molecular Engineering has found a cleaner path
19 January 202412 January 2024 UChicago chemists hope to lay foundation for greener chemistry UChicago chemists found a way to use electricity to boost a type of chemical reaction often used in synthesizing new candidates for pharmaceutical drugs
Forscher finden mit Hilfe von Elektrizität eine vielversprechende neue Methode zur Beschleunigung chemischer Reaktionen Chemiker hoffen, den Grundstein für eine umweltfreundlichere Chemie zu legen
14 February 20239 February 2023 How waste-eating bacteria digest complex carbons New information could lead to bacteria-based platforms that recycle plastic and plant waste
21 August 20209 September 2021 Umwandlung von Kohlendioxid in flüssigen Kraftstoff Neuer Elektrokatalysator wandelt Kohlendioxid effizient in Ethanol um
9 March 20206 March 2020 How enzymes build sugar trees The findings could accelerate the development of new, protein-based medications
Wie Enzyme Zuckerbäume bauen Die Erkenntnisse könnten die Entwicklung neuer proteinbasierter Medikamente beschleunigen
30 July 201830 July 2018 Power-to-Methane noch effizienter Umwandlung von Strom und CO2 in speicherfähiges und vielfältig nutzbares Methan in nur einem Prozessschritt
2 March 20179 September 2021 Power-to-Gas: Electrochaea is awarded patent on super single-celled organisms for biomethane production Energy storage by microorganisms
Power-to-Gas: Electrochaea erhält Patent auf Super-Einzeller für Biomethanproduktion Energie speichern durch Mikroorganismen
31 October 20169 September 2021 Munich-based clean-tech startup Electrochaea and Hungarian utility MVM establish power-to-gas joint venture World’s first grid-scale power-to-gas plant developed in Hungary
22 July 201621 July 2016 Injectable biomaterial could be used to manipulate organ behavior Silicon-based invention is tiny, soft, wirelessly functional
19 May 201518 May 2015 LanzaTech CEO Holmgren selected to receive the 2015 BIO Rosalind Franklin Award BIO is pleased to honor Dr. Holmgren for her accomplishments in the field of industrial biotechnology
4 November 201331 October 2013 Geheimnisse der Spinnenseide entschlüsselt DECHEMA-Preis 2013 für Thomas Scheibel, Bayreuth