31 January 202528 January 2025 Reliable Expertise in PLA Production In 2024, TotalEnergies Corbion executed a fully structured and meticulously planned plant turnaround - a strategic decision designed to enhance performance and reliability in our Luminy® PLA production processes
21 January 202520 January 2025 Status und Ausblick: Bio-basierte Polymere weltweit Experteneinblicke in Kapazitätsentwicklungen, Investitionen und neue politische Rahmenbedingungen
13 January 202514 January 2025 Status and Outlook: Bio-based Polymers worldwide Global capacity to grow strongly, with major investments in China, Europe and the Middle East; new regulations driving demand for biodegradable plastics
2 January 202518 December 2024 European Bioplastics concludes EBC24 on a high note The sessions highlighted advancements in bioplastics, assessed their environmental impacts and sustainability milestones, and provided a comprehensive overview of the global industry landscape
15 October 202415 October 2024 New ReBioCycle project on novel recycling and up-cycling solutions for bio-plastics Several bioeconomy hubs from Europe will be focusing on mechanical recycling, chemical recycling, enzymatic recycling and microbial recycling
30 August 202422 August 2024 Luminy® PLA bioplastics at the 2024 Paris Olympics Luminy® PLA bioplastics have a 75% lower carbon footprint than traditional plastics and can be recycled or composted at end-of-life
19 August 202414 August 2024 PLA Enters August with a Price Rollover Amidst Rising Demand and Sustainability Efforts The Netherlands' domestic PLA production effectively aligned with demand, aided by the consistent availability of feedstock lactic acid, ensuring uninterrupted production and price stability
13 August 202412 August 2024 Emirates Biotech announces new leadership team to drive innovation and growth in the PLA industry This new leadership team, which will be based in Dubai, brings unparalleled expertise and vision to Emirates Biotech as the company aims to become a leading player in the PLA (Polylactic Acid) biopolymer industry
27 June 202425 June 2024 European Bioplastics elects new Board with Mariagiovanna Vetere and Franz Kraus elected as Co-Chairs European Bioplastics (EUBP), the association representing the bioplastics industry in Europe, has elected a new Board during its General Assembly on 4 June
10 June 20243 June 2024 Compostable by design platform The platform gathers stakeholders representing the entire value chain from raw material producers, converters, brand owners to waste management organizations as well as testing and certification bodies
13 May 20247 May 2024 The growing relevance of PLA bioplastics in China’s sustainable future PLA bioplastics offer sustainable solutions for reducing environmental impact by replacing many traditional plastics and contributing to a circular economy
29 April 202424 April 2024 Solar panel installation advances Luminy® PLA production sustainability The TotalEnergies Corbion plant in Rayong has a capacity of 1,251 kWp, is situated within the Asia Industrial Estate and the solar panels are resulting in avoiding emissions of 823 tons of CO2 per year
Die Installation von Solarmodulen verbessert die Nachhaltigkeit der Luminy® PLA-Produktion Das TotalEnergies Corbion-Werk in Rayong hat eine Kapazität von 1.251 kWp, befindet sich im Asia Industrial Estate und vermeidet durch die Solarmodule 823 Tonnen CO2-Emissionen pro Jahr
25 April 202422 April 2024 Luminy® PLA water bottle with embossed label facilitates recycled PLA production Sansu and TotalEnergies Corbion have reached an agreement to produce a 100% PLA bottle with an embossed label, which significantly expedites the processing of PCR PLA bottles – avoiding labels and caps removal processes
Luminy® PLA-Wasserflasche mit geprägtem Etikett erleichtert die Produktion von recyceltem PLA Sansu und TotalEnergies Corbion haben eine Vereinbarung zur Herstellung einer 100% PLA-Flasche mit einem geprägten Etikett getroffen, was die Verarbeitung von PCR-PLA-Flaschen erheblich beschleunigt und Prozesse zur Entfernung von Etiketten und Verschlüssen vermeidet
2 April 202425 March 2024 Luminy® PLA water bottle with embossed label facilitates recycled PLA production Sansu and TotalEnergies Corbion to produce a 100% PLA bottle with an embossed label, which significantly expedites the processing of PCR PLA bottles – avoiding labels and caps removal processes
15 March 202411 March 2024 Cosmetic industry sustainability driven by Total Energies Corbion and Sulapac Today, recycled biodegradable biopolymers, such as rPLA, stand as a commercially viable option, boasting a quality on par with virgin material
Nachhaltigkeit in der Kosmetikindustrie vorangetrieben durch Total Energies Corbion und Sulapac Heutzutage gelten recycelte, biologisch abbaubare Biopolymere wie rPLA als kommerziell realisierbare Option und weisen eine Qualität auf, die der von Neumaterialien ebenbürtig ist
13 March 20248 March 2024 Bioplastic value chain partnership delivers new sustainable textiles TotalEnergies Corbion collaborates with Bluepha to create sustainable fibers using Luminy® PLA and Bluepha® PHA
Biokunststoff-Wertschöpfungskettenpartnerschaft liefert neue nachhaltige Textilien TotalEnergies Corbion arbeitet mit Bluepha zusammen, um nachhaltige Fasern aus Luminy® PLA und Bluepha® PHA herzustellen
26 January 202418 January 2024 Luminy® Recycled PLA Life Cycle Assessment released by TotalEnergies Corbion Luminy® recycled PLA , integrating 20% and 30% recycled content, significantly mitigates impacts across these categories compared to virgin PLA, illustrating the environmental benefits of this pioneering recycling methodology over traditional virgin production
8 January 202422 December 2023 That’s a wrap for EBC23 European Bioplastics wraps up two days of insightful sessions, policy panel and market data analysis at EBC23
21 September 202321 September 2023 A Broad Range of Advanced Recycling Technologies Keeps Carbon in the Loop Register now: The Advanced Recycling Conference 2023, November 28-29, 2023 in Cologne, Germany and online
Advanced Recycling Technologies – Neue Recycling-Methoden halten Kohlenstoff im Kreislauf Jetzt anmelden: Die Advanced Recycling Conference 2023 vom 28.-29. November 2023 in Köln und online
27 July 202324 July 2023 TotalEnergies, Aramco and SABIC complete MENA region’s first processing of oil from plastic waste at scale to make certified circular polymers TotalEnergies, Aramco and SABIC have for the first time in the Middle East and North Africa successfully converted oil derived from plastic waste into ISCC+ certified circular polymers
TotalEnergies, Aramco und SABIC schließen die erste großtechnische Verarbeitung von Öl aus Kunststoffabfällen in der MENA-Region zur Herstellung zertifizierter Kreislaufpolymere ab TotalEnergies, Aramco und SABIC haben zum ersten Mal im Nahen Osten und in Nordafrika erfolgreich aus Kunststoffabfällen gewonnenes Öl in ISCC+-zertifizierte, kreislauffähige Polymere umgewandelt
24 July 202319 July 2023 Compostable Plastics Unlocking the Potential in the Packaging and Packaging Waste Regulation
7 July 202328 December 2023 Compostable Plastics: Unlocking the Potential in the Packaging and Packaging Waste Regulation 10 Member States are at risk of missing the target of 65% recycling of packaging waste by 2025
Kompostierbare Kunststoffe: Das Potenzial der Verpackungs- und Verpackungsabfallverordnung erschließen Zehn Mitgliedstaaten laufen Gefahr, das Ziel einer 65-prozentigen Wiederverwertung von Verpackungsabfällen bis 2025 zu verfehlen
6 July 20234 July 2023 EU-Taxonomie-Verordnung: Polymilchsäure ist nachhaltig Die Europäische Union (EU) stuft Luminy Polymilchsäure (PLA) von Total Energies Corbion als gemäß EU-Taxonomie-Verordnung als nachhaltig ein
22 June 202319 June 2023 TotalEnergies Corbion: Biokunststoff ist nachhaltig gemäß EU-Taxonomieverordnung Der Biokunststoff "Luminy" PLA (Polymilchsäure) von TotalEnergies Corbion erfüllt die strengen Kriterien der Taxonomieverordnung der Europäischen Union (EU) hinsichtlich Klimaschutz und Anpassung an den Klimawandel
21 June 202316 June 2023 Grandpuits PLA project update Corbion announces that it will not pursue a new PLA bioplastics plant in Grandpuits, France
TotalEnergies Corbion: Aus für PLA-Großprojekt in Frankreich Erste PLA-Erzeugung in Europa scheint nach nochmaliger Kalkulation nicht wirtschaftlich genug
16 June 202313 June 2023 TotalEnergies Corbion: Kooperation mit chinesischer Bluepha – Entwicklung hochleistungsfähiger Biopolymerlösungen Das Know-how und die Ressourcen beider Unternehmen sollen zur Entwicklung hochleistungsfähiger Biopolymerlösungen durch die Kombination von „Bluepha“ mit „Luminy“-Technologie gebündelt werden
14 June 202313 June 2023 Luminy® PLA sustainable under EU Taxonomy Regulation The assessment can be found in the newly launched whitepaper titled "Planting the Future with PLA," which details the regulation and delves into more sustainability aspects of biobased materials
New biobased cups made from recycled PLA TotalEnergies Corbion has worked with COEXPAN to develop a bio-based cup using recycled PLA, with the design achieving full validation for line speeds and output using form-fill-seal technology
Recycelter Biokunststoff für Jogurt-Becher Corbion und Coexpan entwickeln einen Jogurt-Becher aus recyceltem Biokunststoff rPLA. Dieser lässt sich auf bestehenden FFS-Maschinen verarbeiten
7 June 20232 June 2023 Bluepha and TotalEnergies Corbion collaborate advance sustainable biomaterials solutions in China The collaboration aims to bring together the expertise and resources of both companies in combining Bluepha® Polyhydroxyalkanoates (PHA) with Luminy® Polylactic Acid (PLA) technology
6 June 20232 June 2023 TotalEnergies Corbion: Biokunststoffunternehmen kooperiert mit Changsu Industrial Im Rahmen der strategischen Partnerschaft sollen nun weitere Anwendungsbereiche für biologisch abbaubare BoPLA-Produkte erschlossen werden
Changsu Industrial and TotalEnergies Corbion collaborate to advance adoption of sustainable biobased BOPLA films Strategic cooperation agreement that will further advance the polylactic acid (PLA) industry
11 May 20238 May 2023 Packaging made from greenhouse gases TotalEnergies Corbion offers at Interpack recycled Luminy® rPLA, which contains 20% and 30% post-industrial and post-consumer recycled content in line with ISO 22095 standard
Kompostierbare Verpackungen aus erneuerbarer Biomasse Beim biobasierten Material Luminy PLA von Total Energies Corbion ist der Kohlenstoff-Fußabdruck im Vergleich zu herkömmlichen Kunststoffen 75% geringer
2 May 20232 May 2023 Danimer Scientific + TotalEnergies Corbion: Neues, EU-konformes und kompostierbares Biopolymer für Kaffeekapseln Neue Formulierungen haben bereits Tests zur biologischen Abbaubarkeit bestanden und wurden vom TÜV als heimkompostierbar zertifiziert
25 April 202320 April 2023 Danimer Scientific, TotalEnergies Corbion Announce EU-Compliant Compostable Coffee Pod Biopolymer New formulation has been certified by TUV as home compostable
6 April 20233 April 2023 Advancing PLA recycling The mechanically and advanced recycling of Luminy® will allow PLA to become a material of choice for bottles, containers, and other food service and packaging products
9 January 20234 January 2023 CJ Biomaterials Partners with South Korean Industry-University Research Council to Promote Eco-Friendly Material and Accelerate Adoption of PHA Technology Companies help address the challenge of plastic waste, which is capable of all modes of biodegradability and compostability, including marine, soil, home and industrial
15 December 202212 December 2022 New EU Packaging Regulation & Framework on Bioplastics On November 30 the European Commission published the long awaited Policy Framework for Biobased, Biodegradable and Compostable Plastics and the Packaging and Packaging Waste Regulation - part of the EU Circular Economy Package II
8 December 20225 December 2022 New white paper: Stay in the cycle TotalEnergies Corbion launches white paper about the recyclability of PLA bioplastic
Neues White Paper über die Recyclebarkeit von PLA-Biokunststoff TotalEnergies Corbion veröffentlicht ein White Paper über die Recyclebarkeit von PLA-Biokunststoff
5 December 202230 November 2022 TotalEnergies Corbion: Langfristige Zusammenarbeit mit koreanischem Biokunststoffunternehmen BGF Beide Biokunststoffunternehmen wollen sich auf die Entwicklung und Produktion von biologisch abbaubaren Materialien und Produkten konzentrieren