11 February 20256 February 2025 AI-powered self-healing asphalt: A step toward sustainable net-zero roads Self-healing asphalt roads, made from biomass waste and designed with the help of artificial intelligence (AI), could offer a promising solution to the UK's pothole problem, which is estimated to cost £143.5 million a year
Asphalt aus Biomasseabfällen repariert Straßenrisse selbstständig Die Reparatur von Rissen in Straßen kostet viel Geld. Britische Wissenschaftler haben nun selbstheilenden Asphalt auf Biobasis entwickelt
19 October 202318 October 2023 Swansea to become UK leader in natural product innovation Swansea is set to become a UK leader in the natural product research and enterprise sector, as the University has succeeded in a bid for funding of £587,000 to set up a new centre known as the BioHUB
22 September 202323 October 2023 Coca-Cola Europacific Partners announces second partnership to explore CO₂ upcycling technology The research together with Swansea University aims to develop technology capable of using CO₂ captured from the atmosphere as an alternative to fossil fuels used during the ethylene production process
11 January 20219 September 2021 Faster, greener way of producing carbon spheres could improve carbon capture technology Swansea University researchers have developed one-step method for producing porous carbon spheres, which are a vital component for carbon capture technology
2 December 20199 September 2021 Research shows old newspapers can be used to grow carbon nanotubes The research team discovered that the large surface area of newspapers provided an unlikely but ideal way to chemically grow carbon nanotubes
27 February 201922 February 2019 The green revolution will be blue: Harvesting algae for the bio-economy Use of algae for applications in the nutraceutical, chemicals and cosmetic markets is growing since companies are increasingly seeking alternatives to fossil fuel-based products
8 August 20171 August 2017 Fungi that Evolved to Eat Wood Offer New Biomass Conversion Tool UMass Amherst microbiologists, international team show fungal deconstruction of wood
24 February 201715 February 2018 BEACON – From Plants to Products – a Biorefining Centre of Excellence in Wales New initiative integrates expertise and facilities to assist companies in developing new products and processes
18 January 201616 January 2016 Algae: researchers move away from energy High production costs, aggravated by low energy prices, redirect to other applications
8 September 20146 September 2014 Co-production of bioethanol and probiotic yeast biomass from agricultural feedstock Application of the rural biorefinery concept
9 July 20148 July 2014 In silico optimization for production of biomass and biofuel feedstocks from microalgae EnAlgae team has published scientific paper: Algae is no better than palm oil
24 February 201421 February 2014 Seaweed could be next new biofuel New research to turn seaweed into liquid biofuel aims to overcome two main barriers to the plant becoming a major source of renewable energy
2 July 20139 September 2021 UK targets growth in industrial biotechnology Government funded report shows IB market could be worth up to £12bn to UK businesses by 2025
4 November 2008 Scientists discover Patagonian diesel that grows on trees A tree fungus produces hydrocarbon molecules nearly like diesel