10 July 20244 July 2024 Dieses Start-up baut eine CO2-Waschmaschine für die Industrie Carbon Clean will CO2 aus Industrieanlagen absorbieren und die Kosten dafür drastisch senken. Die fossile Industrie sieht ihre Chance und investiert eine rekordverdächtige Summe
15 February 202412 February 2024 Climeworks and Svante Collaborate in Development and Supply for Direct Air Capture Climeworks and Svante have signed a collaboration and supply agreement to further advance commercial-scale solutions for direct air capture
Climeworks und Svante kooperieren bei der Entwicklung und Bereitstellung von “Direct Air Capture” Beide Unternehmen vereinbaren die Zusammenarbeit bei drei großen CO₂-Abscheidnungsprojekten
24 October 202323 October 2023 Svante Secures Commercial Supply of MOF Advanced Sorbent Materials with BASF for Carbon Capture Market Leading carbon capture and removal solutions provider, Svante Technologies Inc. (Svante), has developed a commercial supply agreement with the world’s largest chemical producer, BASF, to scale up its novel metal-organic framework (MOF) nanomaterial, CALF-20, for the purpose of its carbon capture filter technology
4 March 20219 September 2021 A Sponge to Soak Up Carbon Dioxide in the Air A Q&A with Berkeley Lab scientist Jeffrey Long on a material for capturing CO2
13 March 20209 September 2021 The $4 Trillion Carbon Capture Opportunity Already, more than 100 companies have committed to lowering their carbon footprint using carbon capture and other technologies
14 February 20209 September 2021 Global Carbon Capture Technology Leaders, Svante and Climeworks, Agree to Collaborate On Solutions for a Net Zero-Emissions-World Both companies share the goal of preventing climate-relevant amounts of CO2 from going into our atmosphere or removing them from air