8 April 20243 April 2024 Bio-based circuit boards could cut down electronic eco-toxicity The ingredients list for the most commonly used material for PCB are known as ‘FR-4’ - a mixture of woven glass fibre, epoxy resin and copper foil
14 March 202314 March 2023 ViridiCO2™ Secures £3m in Seed Funding to make Chemical Products from CO2 A spin-out from the University of Southampton's radical technology converts waste carbon dioxide into surfactants, plastics/polymer feedstocks and small molecules
1 July 20219 September 2021 Hybrid Catalyst Technology for Sustainable Carbon Dioxide Conversion New hybrid catalyst platform aims to serve chemical manufacturers in the first instance and could save 20% of all fossil fuels for chemical processes, potentially reducing emissions by eight million tons per year
20 June 20169 September 2021 Turning CO2 into rock International study has shown for the first time that the greenhouse gas CO2 can be permanently and rapidly locked away by injecting it into volcanic bedrock
Speicherung von Klimagas – CO2 versteinert schneller als gedacht Wenn man CO2 unterirdisch speichert, wird es schneller zu Stein als bisher angenommen. Ein Durchbruch beim Kampf gegen die Erderwärmung?
9 March 20159 September 2021 One Step Closer to Artificial Photosynthesis and “Solar Fuels” Caltech scientists, inspired by a chemical process found in leaves, have developed an electrically conductive film that could help pave the way for devices capable of harnessing sunlight to split water into hydrogen fuel
3 April 20142 April 2014 Of auxins, toxins and raging hormones: Does Biochar really work? So, what about biochar? Is it just fantasy, a sideshow, or a vital future market that will power the carbon economics for hot ventures like Cool Planet? And, er, what’s an auxin anyway — and why is that important?
20 December 201319 December 2013 £18M for 13 unique industry-academia Networks in Industrial Biotechnology and Bioenergy 13 new cross-disciplinary research communities
4 April 2011 New study on sustainability of non-food crops Short rotation crops 'can be grown sustainably in England'