22 May 202316 May 2023 Carbon-negative hydrogen production technology: a new perspective for bio-energy with CO₂ capture and storage Hydrogen, seen as the “ultimate energy” for the 21st century, boasts benefits such as being clean and renewable, and is storable and versatile
Technologie zur Herstellung von kohlenstoffnegativem Wasserstoff Eine neue Perspektive für Bioenergie mit CO₂-Abscheidung und -Speicherung
17 January 202312 January 2023 Electrochemistry converts carbon to useful molecules A chemistry collaboration led to a creative way to put carbon dioxide to good – and even healthy – use: by incorporating it, via electrosynthesis, into a series of organic molecules that are vital to pharmaceutical development
Elektrochemie wandelt Kohlenstoff in nützliche Moleküle um Wie ein Team mithilfe der Elektrosynthese Kohlendioxid in wertvolle pharmazeutische Moleküle verwandelt
4 March 20202 March 2020 The combination of plant-based particles and water forms an ‘eco’ super-glue Researchers demonstrated that plant-derived cellulose nanocrystals (CNCs) can form an adhesive that fully integrates the concepts of sustainability, performance, and cost
6 March 20191 March 2019 Lobster’s underbelly is as tough as industrial rubber Membrane material’s properties could guide design of flexible body armor, new study suggests