28 June 202417 December 2024 The future of the chemical industry, plastics and recycling at the Renewable Materials Conference Many initiatives are underway but there is a perceived difficulty at bringing products to market and an awareness around the urgency of the current situation
19 June 202418 June 2024 The Renewable Materials Conference Hits the Mark Again 440 participants discussed the defossilisation of the chemical and materials industry through biomass, CO2 and recycling. The audience voted for the "Renewable Material of the Year 2024": Acetic acid from CO2 by Danish start-up Again wins 1st price
Erneut ein Volltreffer: Die Renewable Materials Conference 440 Teilnehmer diskutierten über die Defossilisierung der Chemie- und Werkstoffindustrie durch Biomasse, CO2 und Recycling. Das Publikum wählte außerdem den Gewinner des Preises "Renewable Material of the Year 2024": Essigsäure aus CO2 des dänischen Start-ups Again
25 March 202422 March 2024 Renewable Materials Conference: Six Innovations Nominated and Final Program Available Three bio-based innovations from Germany and from Sweden, two CCU innovations from Denmark and Hungary and one advanced plastic recycling technology from Canada are nominated for the “Renewable Material of the Year 2024” innovation award
Renewable Materials Conference: Sechs Innovationen nominiert und finales Programm veröffentlicht Drei bio-basierte Innovationen aus Deutschland und aus Schweden, zwei CCU-Innovationen aus Dänemark und Ungarn sowie eine Advanced Recycling Technologie aus Kanada sind für den Innovationspreis „Renewable Material of the Year 2024" nominiert