11 June 20244 June 2024 New US guidelines on VCM – comment from the CEO of Puro.earth Following the news that the US Government introduced new guidelines for high-integrity Voluntary Carbon Markets, we will offer a comment from Antti Vihavainen, CEO at Puro.earth
Climeworks becomes world’s first direct air capture company certified under the Puro Standard Certification under the Puro Standard involves the auditing of Climeworks’ direct air capture process as well as Carbfix’s CO2 mineralization by an accredited entity
Climeworks erhält erstmals Puro-Standard-Zertifizierung für Direct Air Capture im Orca-Werk Die Zertifizierung nach dem Puro-Standard umfasst die Prüfung des direkten Luftabscheidungsprozesses von Climeworks sowie der CO2-Mineralisierung von Carbfix durch eine akkreditierte Stelle
15 March 202411 March 2024 Red Trail Energy Is First Ethanol Plant to Enter Voluntary Carbon Markets Largest Durable Carbon Removal Credit Project Registered to Date Signals New Opportunity for Capturing and Storing Biogenic CO2 from Ethanol Plants and Reducing Carbon Removal Project Financial Risks
21 August 202316 August 2023 PYREG becomes the first endorsed technology provider by Puro.earth German NetZero tech company is the first technology provider to be endorsed by carbon crediting platform and Nasdaq subsidiary Puro.earth
PYREG schließt Technologie-Partnerschaft mit Puro.earth Deutsches NetZero-Tech-Unternehmen wird der erste „empfohlene Technologie-Lieferant“ für die Zertifikate-Handelsplattform und Nasdaq- Tochter Puro.earth
1 June 20231 June 2023 The Ancient ‘Wonder Material’ Sucking CO2 Out of the Atmosphere Though public awareness is low, some scientists believe “biochar” is quietly becoming the world’s first major carbon removal success story