31 October 202226 October 2022 POLARTEC® POWER SHIELD® Debuts Bio-Based Weather Protection Technology Offering More Sustainable, Higher Performance, and Versatile All-Weather Solutions
9 May 20196 May 2019 Polartec and Kraig Biocraft Laboratories to Bring First Spider Silk Fabrics to the Performance Apparel Market In joint development since 2016, Polartec and Kraig are applying the performance characteristics of spider silk into yarns for military-grade textiles
Polartec will Performance-Stoffe aus Spinnenseide herstellen Seit 2016 arbeiten Polartec und Kraig gemeinsam an der Entwicklung von Garnen aus Spinnenseide, die den Anforderungen von Militärtextilien gerecht werden
14 September 201812 September 2018 As synthetic microfibers infiltrate food, water and air, how can we prevent future release? Scientists and manufacturers are looking for ways to keep synthetic microfibers from getting into the environment in the first place
11 October 20179 October 2017 Mikroplastik in Meeren: Hochschule Niederrhein forscht an biologisch abbaubarer Sport-Kleidung Verschmutzung durch winzige textile Fasern, die sich beim Waschen lösen und mit dem Abwasser in die Weltmeere gelangen