9 January 20206 January 2020 New flagship EU project focused on replacing toxic solvents with renewable alternatives ReSolute brings together 12 partners from 6 countries and will provide new manufacturing and employment opportunities
13 April 201810 April 2018 BIOPEN: An Open-innovation Platform to strengthen cooperation and joint development of bioindustries and downstream sectors A knowledge centre, to share information and to collect the insights of the community
27 October 20179 September 2021 Covestro: Europeans join forces on CO2 – Chemical industry will use waste gas from steel factories to make plastics Research project launched with 14 partners from seven countries - EU supports development of a particularly sustainable process
Covestro: Europäischer Schulterschluss zur CO2-Nutzung – Chemie will Abgase aus Stahlwerken für Kunststoffe verwenden Forschungsprojekt mit 14 Partnern aus sieben Ländern gestartet - EU fördert Entwicklung von besonders nachhaltigem Verfahren
25 March 20158 January 2016 SPLASH stakeholder analysis reveals opportunities for collaboration in third generation algae bioplastics Project showing good perspectives for establishing new partnerships
20 December 201225 July 2014 EU research project on algae-based polymers kicks off: SPLASH – Sustainable Polymers from Algae Sugars and Hydrocarbons