6 March 20252 March 2025 Arsenale Bioyards Raises $10M to Cut Biomanufacturing Costs by 90% with First-of-its-Kind end-to-end Platform Arsenale’s proprietary and first-of-its-kind end-to-end platform aims at drastically reducing costs and time - by up to 90% - and accelerating the adoption of sustainable bio-based alternatives
1 October 202426 September 2024 Phlair raises €14.5M to rapidly scale its hydrolyzer-based Direct Air Capture (DAC) technology Thanks to its technology compatibility with intermittent energy sources and hyper-focus on manufacturing, the company drives DAC down the cost curve
Phlair kassiert 14,5 Millionen Euro Das Münchner Startup Phlair verkündet den Abschluss seiner Seed-Runde. 14,5 Millionen Euro gehen auf das Konto des Climatetechs, das früher als Carbon Atlantis bekannt war
11 April 20228 April 2022 Startup C1: mit Quantenchemie und prominenten Investoren zu grünem Methanol Berliner Start-up will chemische Industrie nachhaltiger und unabhängiger von Importen machen / Jürgen Hambrecht, Wolfgang Reitzle und Jim Hagemann Snabe unter den Investoren
Start-up C1: with quantum chemistry and prominent investors to green methanol Berlin-based start-up aims to make the chemical industry more sustainable and less dependent on fossil imports - Jürgen Hambrecht, Wolfgang Reitzle and Jim Hagemann Snabe among investors
2 June 202116 June 2021 Ganzheitlich nachhaltige Alternative für Kunststoffe und Biokunststoffe Erfolgreiche Seed-Finanzierungsrunde für das Circular Bioeconomy Startup traceless materials
20 May 2021 Seed financing round for female-founded circular bioeconomy startup traceless materials Dr. Anne Lamp, inventor of the traceless technology and Johanna Baare founded the company together in September of 2020
Erfolgreiche Seed-Finanzierungsrunde für das Circular Bioeconomy Startup traceless materials Dr. Anne Lamp, Erfinderin der traceless-Technologie, und Johanna Baare haben traceless im September 2020 gemeinsam gegründet