3 February 202528 January 2025 Partial versus real solutions ‘Band-aid’ versus ‘bona fide’ or disruptive solutions for problems take place in four sectors of global economy simultaneously: energy, transport, food and labour
2 May 202425 April 2024 Bio-based colours that turn the fashion industry green Why impact tech investor Unconventional Ventures invested in Octarine Bio
6 January 20233 January 2023 Most colors are eco criminals: Here’s how to make purple greener UCPH researchers have teamed up with Danish company Octarine Bio to create new types of sustainable pigments
Universität von Kopenhagen: So wird Lila grüner Goodbye erdölbasierte Farbstoffe: Biotech-Start-up und Wissenschaftler revolutionieren die Farbproduktion
17 January 202014 January 2020 Europäisches Unternehmen für synthetische Biologie Octarine erhält Mittel zur Entwicklung einer Biosyntheseplattform für Cannabinoid- und Psilocybinderivate Zu den Investoren zählen Oskare Capital und Bruce Linton, Gründer der Canopy Growth Cooperation
European synthetic biology company Octarine receives funding to develop biosynthetic platform for cannabinoid and psilocybin derivatives With investors including Oskare Capital and Canopy Growth Cooperation founder Bruce Linton