16 December 201616 December 2016 Purification of bio-based chemicals on an industrial scale Various innovative separation techniques were presented at the EFIB-event in Glasgow
7 September 20165 September 2016 Demonstration project started for the conversion of woody biomass to chemicals By a consortium of 14 European companies using EU funding under the Horizon 2020 program
15 June 201512 June 2015 EuropaBio and Smithers Rapra confirm agenda for 8th edition of EFIB Themes to range from inspiring new business models, circular economy and creation of markets, issues of financing and funding in addition to the availability of feedstocks, and update on the status and outlook of biobased industries
22 November 201321 November 2013 Novasep appoints Nadege Laborde as president of its Industrial Biotech Business Unit This internal promotion strengthens the business unit and enhances the Executive Committee (COMEX)