17 June 202411 June 2024 Freepoint Eco-Systems Announces Agreement with North Sea Port to Develop Flagship Advanced Plastics Recycling Facility in Northwestern Europe The facility will operate as one of the largest plastic recycling facilities globally, will be situated in the Kluizendok site on the left bank of Ghent-Terneuzen Canal, Belgium
1 September 202328 August 2023 Pilot plant Alta first ‘JTF project’ in Zeeland: CO2 from chemical industry turns into raw material for batteries First project in the Dutch Zeeuws-Vlaanderen/Vlissingen-Oost region is receiving funding from the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Climate
20 November 20209 September 2021 € 140 Mio project transforms CO2 into green raw material in North Sea Port North-C-Methanol: largest installations worldwide
30 October 20209 September 2021 Multi-million-euro project transforms CO2 into green raw material in North Sea Port They will also generate 44,000 tons of “green” methanol locally, which can be used as feedstock for the chemicals and renewables industries, as well as fuel for ships and trains