7 September 20154 September 2015 Almost all seabirds to have plastic in gut by 2050 Researchers from CSIRO and Imperial College London have assessed how widespread the threat of plastic is for the world's seabirds and found the majority of species have plastic in their gut
20 February 201519 February 2015 Neue Studie der NCEAS zu Meeresmüll – Effizientes Abfallmanagement als wichtiges Instrument gegen Marine Litter Working Group liefert Lösungsansätze und betont die Bedeutung eines effizienten Abfallmanagements
New in Science: First estimate to quantify plastics flowing into the ocean NCEAS Working Group study offers a framework for developing ocean-scale solutions
16 February 201513 February 2015 New Science paper calculates magnitude of plastic waste going into the ocean 8 million metric tons of plastic enter the oceans per year