7 February 20255 February 2025 Researchers discover way to store hydrogen using lignin jet fuel An international team of scientists has discovered a way to store and release volatile hydrogen using lignin-based jet fuel that could open new pathways for sustainable energy production
Lignin-Kraftstoff aus landwirtschaftlichen Abfällen: Wasserstoffspeichernder Flugzeugtreibstoff für saubere Energie Ein internationales Wissenschaftlerteam hat einen Weg gefunden, flüchtigen Wasserstoff in einem auf Lignin basierenden Flugzeugtreibstoff zu speichern und wieder freizusetzen
6 May 20224 May 2022 Lignin-based jet fuel packs more power for less pollution In a study published in the journal Fuel, researchers analyzed a Washington State University-developed jet fuel based on lignin, an organic polymer that makes plants tough and woody
7 May 20204 May 2020 New investment boosts bioplastics product development capacity at TerraVerdae Company has received $4.5 million to expand its product development facilities in Edmonton
11 December 20196 December 2019 Why Canada is incentivizing Mass Timber development Wood construction has grown increasingly competitive on a cost basis in recent years, offering potential savings in a number of areas
3 October 201726 October 2017 Federal government seeking partner to look at way to create domestic jet biofuel industry The government signed an international agreement to make the airline industry carbon-neutral by 2020 and biofuels are currently the only way to meet that target
30 November 201527 November 2015 18 Story Vancouver Dorm Among World’s Tallest Wood Buildings Tall wood projects gaining traction in North America as a safe, sustainable and cost-effective construction option
3 September 20152 September 2015 Boreal forests challenged by global change Forest management must adapt in order to ensure that forests stay healthy in a time of unprecedented environmental change
1 July 201529 June 2015 Canada funds 2 projects to develop new landfill gas technology Natural Resources Canada announced the award of $2.2 million through Sustainable Development Technology Canada’s SD Tech Fund to support the R-LNG project
15 April 201514 April 2015 Extraction of hemicellulose from wood chips Canada: Cascades announces major investments in biorefinery project at Cabano plant
26 February 2010 Gasification pilot and innovative wood products at the University of British Columbia Nexterra gasification CHP system to demo at UBC