27 May 202421 May 2024 New technique by NUS scientists to transform waste carbon dioxide into high-value chemicals achieves cost reduction of about 30% An energy-efficient, cost-effective way to convert the greenhouse gas into a wide range of chemical feedstocks
23 May 202422 May 2024 5 Minutes With… Professor Paul Freemont, Head of Structural & Synthetic Biology at Imperial College London "To support commercialisation of the bioeconomy we need to have relevant standards and metrics"
25 May 20219 September 2021 NUS and Shell join hands to advance decarbonisation solutions New S$4.6 million research programme aims to sustainably convert carbon dioxide into cleaner fuels and useful chemicals
24 September 202023 September 2020 Upcycling pineapple leaves into eco-aerogels The NUS team had also produced eco-aerogels using other agricultural and food waste such as sugarcane bagasse, coffee grounds and okara
13 May 20208 May 2020 Electrochemical reduction of carbon dioxide to ethanol Influx of CO molecules, provided by silver (Ag) co-catalysts, activates an otherwise-locked mechanistic pathway on Cu which converts CO2 gas to ethanol
30 March 202025 March 2020 The world’s first aerogels made from scrap rubber tyres Aerogels are useful as insulation and absorbers, or as noise- and thermal comfort in vehicles
Forscher machen aus Altreifen Universalschaum Aerogel dient als Dämmstoff, Feuchtigkeitsschutz und auch zur effektiven Schallabsorption
10 July 20186 July 2018 New Wilmar-NUS joint lab to drive innovation in food-tech and sustainable biochemicals S$110 million research facility will deepen knowledge of good macronutrients and micronutrients, food products and ingredients, as well as design eco-friendly ‘bio-factories’ to produce industrial biochemicals
23 April 201817 May 2024 NUS engineers pioneer greener and cheaper technique for biofuel production A research team at NUS Faculty of Engineering first discovered the novel TG57 strain in 2015 and they went on to culture the strain to examine its properties.
17 April 201816 April 2018 Novel NUS technique strengthens building structures using wood waste By mixing biochar from saw dust with cement, concrete constructions can be made 20 per cent stronger and 50 per cent more watertight
20 February 201816 February 2018 NUS researchers turn fashion waste into multifunctional material Scientists converted cotton-based fabric waste into highly compressible and ultralight cotton aerogels
23 January 201823 January 2018 Singaporean researchers use synthetic biology for cannabinoid production Unlocking therapeutic potential of cannabinoids one area of focus
13 July 201612 July 2016 Chemikalien aus Holz statt Erdöl Holz muss möglichst umfassend verwertet werden, damit es eine wirtschaftliche Alternative zu Petrochemikalien sein kann
Replacing oil with wood for the production of chemicals Wood as a replacement for petrochemicals must be used to the greatest extent possible to be viable
3 November 20159 September 2021 How to make the most of carbon dioxide Researchers hope to show that using the gas as a raw material could make an impact on climate change
28 April 201427 April 2014 Scientists Synthesize First Functional “Designer” Chromosome in Yeast Study reports major advance in synthetic biology
15 August 2013 Mutagenes Pflanzengift in traditionellen Heilmitteln führt zu vielen Krebsfällen in Asien Mediziner entdecken, auf welche Weise Pfeifenblumen (Aristolochia) die Gene schädigen können
18 July 2013 NUS researchers developed world’s first water treatment techniques using apple and tomato peels Low cost and efficient, the novel water purification methods could benefit economically and technologically disadvantaged communities