9 September 20148 September 2014 BARK CLOTH_europe – success through saving resources BARKTEX® biomaterial selected as one of ten innovators by LAUNCH-programme
5 August 20144 August 2014 More people means more plant growth, NASA data show New analysis shows that on a global scale, the presence of people corresponds to more plant productivity, or growth
2 July 201430 June 2014 Proterro gets patent for proprietary photobioreactor USPTO Issues Patent to Biofeedstock Company Proterro, Protecting Proterro’s Photobioreactor, a Key Element of the Company’s Unique Sugar-making Process
25 April 201424 April 2014 ABLC buzzes about finance, government actions, chemicals, carbon, and technology advances As ABLC completes its second day, companies, agencies, financiers step forward to detail advances toward scale, new programs.
11 April 201410 April 2014 Recycling astronaut urine for energy and drinking water NASA-developed UBE system could be used in any wastewater treatment systems containing urea and/or ammonia
27 February 201426 February 2014 ILUC and the Renewable Fuel Standard: hard data appears for the first time After six years of debate — finally a database appears on actual indirect land use change
5 November 201321 February 2018 BARK CLOTH®_Europe und Biowerkstoff BARKTEX® von NASA und Partnern ausgezeichnet Das Baumrinden-Vlies mit den nahezu unbegrenzten Einsatzmöglichkeiten zwischen Holz und Textil
6 August 2013 Help select the Top 10 LAUNCH Systems Challenge Innovators NASA, USAID, Department of State, and NIKE Joint Venture to establish sustainable solutions to the society
8 October 2012 Stanford researchers show oil palm plantations are clearing carbon-rich tropical forests in Borneo Palm oil promotes deforestation and thus global warming
3 September 2012 Two-year NASA project finds that sea-based, floating algae bioreactors “may be a feasible pathway to sustainable biofuels.” NASA and the California Energy Commission supported the 2-year feasibility study, using offshore membrane enclosures for growing algae (OMEGA)