27 June 201723 June 2017 Innovation in the European Bioeconomy: 15 million euro project optimizes value chains for miscanthus and hemp EU project with 22 partners from science, agriculture, and industry - new varieties, cultivation on unused areas, biomass value chains, life cycle assessment, and knowledge transfer
Von der Biomasse zum Produkt: Uni Hohenheim leitet Bioökonomie-Projekt über 15 Mio. Euro EU-Projekt mit 22 Partnern aus Wissenschaft, Landwirtschaft und Industrie - Neue Sorten, Anbau auf ungenutzten Flächen, Ökobilanz und Wissens-Transfer
31 January 201727 January 2017 A startup produces biomaterials from fungi. An interview with its co-founder Federico Grati Mycoplast team is researching, identifying and marketing the best industrial and commercial technologies for the production of mycelium-based biomaterials
4 May 20162 May 2016 Video Interviews with Bio-based Start-ups In conversation with Mycoplast, Biotrem and Nafigate
4 February 20169 February 2016 Investors meet pioneers of the bioeconomy High-potential start-ups from the field of bio-based materials, biotechnology and carbon capture & utilization (CCU) are invited to introduce themselves to industry and investors
Investoren treffen auf die Pioniere der Bioökonomie Start-ups aus den Bereichen bio-basierte Werkstoffe, Industrielle Biotechnologie und Carbon Capture and Utilization (CCU) sind eingeladen, ihr großes Potenzial der Industrie und Investoren vorzustellen