16 December 202412 December 2024 CSIRO report reveals the state of bioplastics in Australia The State of bioplastics in Australia report aims to increase understanding of bioplastics and their credentials for sustainable waste management
24 October 202418 October 2024 CSIRO and Murdoch University launch Bioplastics Innovation Hub to end plastic waste The facility will develop biologically derived plastic that can break down in compost, land, or water - leaving no trace
12 September 20246 September 2024 CSIRO and Murdoch University launch the Bioplastics Innovation Hub to end plastic waste The Bioplastics Innovation Hub aims to revolutionise plastic packaging by developing biologically derived plastic that can break down in compost, land, or water
11 June 20195 June 2019 Gold-coated fungi are the new gold diggers Attaching gold to their strands could offer clues for finding new gold deposits
14 September 201712 September 2017 Bakterien wandeln giftige Salze in Bioplastik um Lösung zur Beseitigung von hochproblematischen Industrieabfällen
Turning industrial waste into medical-grade, biodegradable plastic Murdoch researchers found an environmentally friendly solution for the use of oxalate, one of the major waste products of the alumina industry
21 January 201620 January 2016 Australien: Hungrige Bakterien sollen Schmutzwasser säubern Wissenschaftler wollen mithilfe von Mikroorganismen ein altbekanntes Verfahren noch ökologischer machen
17 June 201520 January 2016 Starved-out bacteria aid in wastewater treatment Australian researchers to use microorganisms for treating wastewater
23 July 20139 September 2021 Fast Swimmers: 10 Algae technologies, where are they in the race for the summit? Who’s in the lead? Who’s getting traction? Who’s near the summit? Who’s got the oxygen?
19 February 2013 Great big things from tiny lil’ algae: 10 Algae Trends for 2013 22 projects around the world show the multi-faceted promise of algae