16 July 20219 September 2021 Aimplas: Spanisches Kunststoff-Institut koordiniert Projekt „Life Ecomethylal“ Neue Anlage fürs chemische Recycling von nicht recycelbaren Rückständen
9 July 20219 September 2021 New mobile, modular chemical recycling system converts non-recyclable waste into high value-added additives AIMPLAS coordinated the LIFE ECOMETHYLAL Project to convert non-recyclable waste into a new substance that can be used as a solvent and as a raw material to produce new plastics
28 June 202123 June 2021 New mobile, modular chemical recycling system converts non-recyclable waste into high value-added additives New process developed in an AIMPLAS led EU-Project, is particularly effective at recovering waste from the automotive, electrical and electronic, and packaging industries
30 November 201730 November 2017 Four-year project to develop an integrated solution for the recovery and conversion of relevant fractions from wastewater to make natural additives and bioplastics AFTERLIFE, a 4 million € EU project focused on finding an integrated solution for the recovery and conversion of relevant fractions from wastewater
29 July 201628 July 2016 BioQED project welcomes two new partners Itaconix and VLCI are involved in the development of latex polymers from alkyl itaconates and other formulations
28 February 20143 March 2014 BIO-QED, das europäische Forschungsprojekt für die Entwicklung von Biochemikalien aus erneuerbaren Quellen, das von Novamont koordiniert wird 10 Partner, die aus 6 europäischen Ländern stammen, werden zusammenarbeiten, um die innovativen und nachhaltigen industriellen Verfahren für die Herstellung von Biochemikalien aus erneuerbaren Quellen zu definieren