19 May 201416 May 2014 Plastics to dust — a dream about to come true Biodegradable plastics made from a plentiful natural resource
3 December 20132 December 2013 Fortum’s bio-oil plant commissioned in Joensuu – first of its kind in the world Unique in being integrated with Fortum’s Joensuu combined heat and power plant
31 October 201330 October 2013 Future Valmet to supply a LignoBoost plant for the new biorefinery at the Stora Enso Sunila mill in Finland As of January 2014, Metso's Pulp, Paper and Power business to serve its customers as Valmet Corporation
3 September 2013 Metso’s Board of Directors approves the strategy, organization, and financial targets for the new Valmet Corporation Company to become the global leader providing customers in bio-based industries and energy
30 April 2013 Metso-supplied world’s first commercial LignoBoost plant successfully starts up at Domtar in the USA Large quantities and high quality availability to develop the future lignin market for the industry
11 March 2013 Metso-supplied world’s largest biomass gasification plant inaugurated in Finland Major step in the company’s target of using mainly domestic fuels for heat and electricity production
11 February 2010 RWE Innogy vergibt Aufträge zum Bau der größten Biomasseanlage in Schottland Auftragnehmer sind Metso und Aker Solutions
2 June 2009 Polen: Biomassekraftwerke im Kommen Energieversorger investieren in zwei Kraftwerke mit 183 und 80 MW