28 February 202526 February 2025 The LEGO Group supports carbon removal solutions to expand sustainability efforts The LEGO Group today announced a DKK 19 million commitment towards four carbon removal projects in partnership with Climate Impact Partners and ClimeFi
12 February 20257 February 2025 Tidal Vision completes $140M Series B to Scale Chitosan Technologies Globally Funding Fuels Global Expansion with New Facilities that Strengthen Supply of Chitosan Chemistries
15 April 202410 April 2024 Climeworks signs 9-year agreement with the LEGO Group and KIRKBI Climeworks verifiably removes CO₂ from the air and helps companies to address their hard-to-abate CO₂ emissions
CO2: Lego setzt auf Abscheidung und Speicherung Um seine CO2-Bilanz zu verbessern, hat Lego einen langfristigen Vertrag mit Climeworks, Pionier im Bereich Carbon Dioxide Removal (CDR), geschlossen
10 January 20243 January 2024 All systems go as APK prepares for the construction of their new large-scale Newcycling® plant Strong investors, successful certifications, agreement for product supply
APK AG bereit für den Bau einer neuen Newcycling®-Großanlage Starke Investoren, erfolgreiche Zertifizierung, vereinbarte Produktlieferungen
15 February 202313 February 2023 LyondellBasell and KIRKBI invest in APK to develop recycling technology LyondellBasell (NYSE: LYB), a global leader in the chemical industry and KIRKBI A/S, the family-owned holding and investment company of the LEGO® brand, announce they have signed an agreement to make an investment in APK, which specializes in a unique solvent-based recycling technology for low density polyethylene (LDPE)
LyondellBasell und KIRKBI investieren in APK, um Recyclingtechnologie zu entwickeln Lyondell Basell, ein weltweit führendes Unternehmen der chemischen Industrie, und Kirkbi A/S, die familiengeführte Holding- und Investmentgesellschaft der Marke Lego, haben eine Vereinbarung über die Investition in das Unternehmen APK unterzeichnet
10 July 20202 July 2020 Quantafuel receives investment from KIRKBI KIRKBI has entered into an agreement to invest in Quantafuel and support the company’s ambition to further improve chemical recycling and showcase how mixed plastic waste can be recycled into new high-value quality materials
Quantafuel: Investor Kirkbi steigt mit rund 23 Mio. Euro ein Das in Oslo ansässige Technologieunternehmen wandelt Kunststoffabfälle in kohlenstoffarme synthetische Ölprodukte und neue hochwertige Materialien