20 January 202514 January 2025 Panasonic HD develops marine biodegradable cellulose fiber molding material By adding plant-derived cellulose fiber at high concentrations to marine biodegradable resins, Panasonic HD has developed a molding material that achieves both excellent mechanical properties and marine biodegradability
8 February 20241 February 2024 Microbial decomposition of biodegradable plastics on the deep-sea floor Several dominant microorganisms are carrying genes potentially encoding plastic-degrading enzymes such as polyhydroxyalkanoate depolymerases and cutinases/polyesterases
13 December 20218 December 2021 European Bioplastics Conference confirms bioplastics make significant contributions to the European Union’s ambitious climate goals New European Bioplastics market data, based on research from the nova-institute, gave a very positive outlook for bioplastics production
20 August 201919 August 2019 ECONYKOL™ Biomass Plastic Raw Material Adopted for Use in ZMP’s New Self-Driving Car, Robocar™ Walk ECONYKOL™ bio-polyol has been adopted for use in the Robocar™ Walk, the latest model in the RoboCar™ series
25 September 201424 September 2014 Biokunststoffe fördern ein ressourceneffizientes Europa 9. European Bioplastics Konferenz mit vielseitigem Programm 2014
Bioplastics – driving a resource efficient Europe 9th European Bioplastics Conference – Programme out now!