21 February 202316 February 2023 Global Bioenergies: First significant sales in 2022 Trade payables increased as a result of the negotiation of more favourable payment terms for the Company in connection with the initiation of production activities
15 February 201912 February 2019 First production of isobutene from wheat straw at demo scale Aim of the project is a new value chain combining Global Bioenergies bio-Isobutene process with technologies developed by Clariant and INEOS
23 May 201817 May 2018 Global Bioenergies and an industrial consortium including Sekab, Neste Engineering Solutions, Repsol and SkyNRG receive major EU funding to demonstrate the production of isobutene-derived gasoline and jetfuel from wood The aim is to convert currently poorly valorised softwood residues into second generation renewable isobutene for subsequent conversion into gasoline and jetfuel
Global Bioenergies und ein Industriekonsortium, mit Sekab, Neste Engineering Solutions, Repsol und SkyNRG, erhalten umfangreiche EU-Fördermittel, um die Herstellung von Isobuten-basiertem Benzin und von Kerosin aus Holz zu demonstrieren Das Ziel besteht darin, geringwertige Weichholzreste in erneuerbares Isobuten der zweiten Generation für die anschließende Weiterverarbeitung zu Benzin und Kerosin umzuwandeln
8 September 20165 September 2016 Global Bioenergies: IBN-One awards front-end engineering design to Technip and IPSB for the first plant converting renewable resources into isobutene IBN-One, a subsidiary of Global Bioenergies and Cristal Union, today announced it has awarded the first engineering contract for its bio-isobutene plant to Technip and IPSB