28 August 202420 August 2024 Borealis and E-Fuels Leader Infinium to Turn Carbon Emissions into Plastics New Infinium eNaphtha to serve as sustainable feedstock alternative for plastics used to manufacture consumer goods
Borealis und Infinium, der führende Anbieter von E-Fuels, wandeln Kohlenstoffemissionen in Kunststoffe um Das neue Infinium eNaphtha dient als nachhaltige Rohstoffalternative für Kunststoffe, die zur Herstellung von Konsumgütern verwendet werden
12 June 20245 June 2024 Jet Fuel Could Soon Be Made From Carbon Dioxide – Here’s How The sci-concept of turning emissions into jet fuel is already here. How quickly it can power the world's jets is still up in the air
24 May 202417 May 2024 SMA Mineral Partners with Infinium to Advance eFuels Project in Norway Infinium previously announced it will build Norway’s first commercial scale eFuels plant at the Mo Industripark
17 April 202416 April 2024 A Gates-Backed Startup Is Making Fuel From Water and Carbon Dioxide Infinium counts Bill Gates as an investor and has fuel buyers that include Amazon and American Airlines. Now, the company is trying to scale up
2 January 202418 December 2023 eFuels Leader Infinium Receives $75M Equity Commitment from Breakthrough Energy Catalyst for Investment in Project Roadrunner Investment will enable availability of SAF under innovative fuel offtake agreement with American Airlines, with financial support from Citi
31 May 202324 May 2023 Infinium and Navigator CO2 Collaborate on eFuels Project in US Midwest Navigator to provide approximately 600k TPA of CO2 as a feedstock for ultra-low carbon Infinium eFuels
9 March 20219 September 2021 The return of Electrofuels: Amazon, Mitsubishi, AP Ventures invest in Infinium’s bid to make fuels from CO2, water It starts as a hydrogen play, splitting water to make green hydrogen — so, cleaner than many other technologies using hydrogen made from natural gas
1 February 20219 September 2021 This Amazon-backed startup makes net-zero fuel for planes, ships, and trucks Infinium uses captured CO2 to create synthetic gas to power engines