5 November 20193 November 2019 An interview with Mladen Istuk, director of the biorefinery project development at INA In this exclusive interview, Mladen Istuk talks about what INA is doing in the circular bioeconomy and its involvement in the BBI JU Demo Project GRACE
16 September 201915 September 2019 Clariant successfully concludes testing of energy crop miscanthus at Straubing plant for GRACE project About 30 tons of miscanthus were processed at Clariant’s pre-commercial plant in Straubing, Germany
Clariant testet erfolgreich die Energiepflanze Miscanthus in der Straubinger Anlage für das GRACE Projekt Rund 30 Tonnen Miscanthus-Gras wurden in Clariants vorkommerzieller Anlage in Straubing verarbeitet
27 June 201723 June 2017 Innovation in the European Bioeconomy: 15 million euro project optimizes value chains for miscanthus and hemp EU project with 22 partners from science, agriculture, and industry - new varieties, cultivation on unused areas, biomass value chains, life cycle assessment, and knowledge transfer
Von der Biomasse zum Produkt: Uni Hohenheim leitet Bioökonomie-Projekt über 15 Mio. Euro EU-Projekt mit 22 Partnern aus Wissenschaft, Landwirtschaft und Industrie - Neue Sorten, Anbau auf ungenutzten Flächen, Ökobilanz und Wissens-Transfer