8 April 20158 April 2015 EU research project on underutilised oil crops kicks off: COSMOS – Camelina & crambe Oil crops as Sources for Medium-chain Oils for Specialty oleochemicals
25 March 201524 March 2015 BASF and eight partners cooperate to optimize production processes for renewable-based products Companies consortium to unlock the potential of renewable-based products made via white biotechnology
BASF optimiert zusammen mit acht Partnern Verfahren für die Herstellung von Produkten auf Basis nachwachsender Rohstoffe Unternehmenskonsortium will Potenzial von Produkten auf Basis nachwachsender Rohstoffe erschließen
11 March 201510 March 2015 BIO-raffiniert VIII: »Bioökonomie: Vom Konzept zum Produkt« Bioökonomie als Schlüssel für nachhaltige Ressourcennutzung
8 September 20145 September 2014 Scientists create renewable fossil fuel alternative using bacteria Engineered harmless gut bacteria E. coli to generate renewable propane
14 August 20149 September 2021 Carbon dioxide ‘sponge’ could ease transition to cleaner energy New emerging technology called integrated gasification combined cycle (IGCC) to be integrated into power plant smokestacks
28 April 201427 April 2014 Scientists Synthesize First Functional “Designer” Chromosome in Yeast Study reports major advance in synthetic biology
25 February 20149 September 2021 Waste not, want not York scientists plot green route to polymer production
29 November 201328 November 2013 A gem of an idea does well at international competition A team who developed a process for turning waste into plastic has taken home a clutch of awards at an international competition
13 May 2009 European Algae Biomass Association to connect the EU algae sector European Biodiesel Board and University of Florence announce launching in June
24 July 2008 Chemical breakthrough turns sawdust into biofuel Lignin breakdown reaction to produce alkanes and alcohols needed for biofuels
20 June 200818 January 2018 Greener, stronger natural composites with coats of cellulose from bacteria First use of bacteria to deposit sticky coatings of nanosized cellulose particles on the surfaces of plant fibers