4 July 202229 June 2022 Infinited Fiber picks site of shut paper plant in Finnish Lapland for its planned EUR 400 million textile fiber factory investment Recycling and green transition took a step forward when a Finnish company announced its plans to build a factory re-using textile waste
Finnland baut weltweit erste Fabrik die Kleidung recycled Ein finnisches Unternehmen hat am Montag seine Pläne für den Bau einer Fabrik zur Wiederverwendung von Textilabfällen bekannt gegeben und damit einen wichtigen Schritt in Richtung Recycling und Umweltschutz getan
27 June 202222 June 2022 Suzano launches venture capital initiative with US$70 million to invest in startups Suzano Ventures will stimulate the development of new solutions in areas including climate technology, bio-based products, agroforestry and sustainable packaging