3 March 202126 February 2021 TECNARO EU Projekt – SWEETWOODS Bioraffinerie produziert erste Tonnen hochreines Lignin Das EU Projekt SWEETWOODS hat seine ersten Meilensteine erreicht. Es stehen Proben von hochreinem Lignin und Holzzucker im Tonnenmaßstab zur Verfügung
23 February 202118 February 2021 SWEETWOODS delivers first tons of high purity lignin and wood sugars One of the goals of the SWEETWOODS project is to establish markets for lignin and sugar-based platform chemicals
22 October 201919 October 2019 Graanul Invest flagship plant received the cornerstone Graanul Invest laid the cornerstone for wood processing flagship plant, thus marking the start of new biomaterials business line
9 July 20194 July 2019 Kemira to participate in the development of 100% bio-based chemicals for paper and cardboard production as part of an EU funded project In addition, the project aims to develop new means to improve production efficiency at pulp mills with higher utilization of wood biomass
5 July 201910 July 2019 Avantium awarded funding for ‘VEHICLE’ The consortium, coordinated by Avantium, works on developing 100% plant-based chemicals produced from renewable raw materials
18 July 201811 August 2020 Taming the Tasmanian Devil of Polymers: lignin, the orneriest, roughest, toughest, most un-cooperative and abundant natural polymer ever Lignin, the second most abundant natural polymer in the world, has developed into a sustainable and very satisfactory alternative to fossil fuels
24 May 201822 May 2018 Graanul integriert Bioraffinerie in erstes Pelletwerk Neue Bioraffinerie soll aus 50.000 Tonnen lokalem Laubholz sauberen Zellulosezucker und hochreines Lignin herstellen
23 May 201817 May 2018 Global Bioenergies and an industrial consortium including Sekab, Neste Engineering Solutions, Repsol and SkyNRG receive major EU funding to demonstrate the production of isobutene-derived gasoline and jetfuel from wood The aim is to convert currently poorly valorised softwood residues into second generation renewable isobutene for subsequent conversion into gasoline and jetfuel
Global Bioenergies und ein Industriekonsortium, mit Sekab, Neste Engineering Solutions, Repsol und SkyNRG, erhalten umfangreiche EU-Fördermittel, um die Herstellung von Isobuten-basiertem Benzin und von Kerosin aus Holz zu demonstrieren Das Ziel besteht darin, geringwertige Weichholzreste in erneuerbares Isobuten der zweiten Generation für die anschließende Weiterverarbeitung zu Benzin und Kerosin umzuwandeln
15 May 201813 May 2018 Sweetwater and Graanul Announce First Commercial Biorefinery Collaboration aiming to build a commercial-scale integrated biorefinery that will produce clean cellulosic sugars and highly pure lignin from local hardwood
9 May 20189 May 2018 SWEETWOODS Consortium brings together 9 European bio-innovation oriented stakeholders The project receives major EU funding to establish a first-of-a-kind wood fractionation Flagship plant to create new industrial value-chains using sustainable hardwood as a resource