9 December 20217 December 2021 Finland set to reject EU taxonomy rules over biomass Finland has stated that it would oppose the EU taxonomy climate delegated act presented in April, Sweden is expected to align itself.
Finnland wird aufgrund von Biomasse gegen EU Taxonomie stimmen Finnland hat erklärt, dass es den im April vorgelegten delegierten Rechtsakt zur EU-Klimataxonomie ablehnen wird. Schweden wird sich voraussichtlich anschließen
1 October 20211 October 2021 Forest policy splits Nordic lawmakers in the European Parliament Leading lawmakers from the Socialist and the Greens group in the European Parliament held contrasting views on forest policy during a EURACTIV event earlier this month
11 August 20216 August 2021 Schwedens Umgang mit Waldgebieten: Land der übernutzten Wälder Schweden will der erste fossilfreie Wohlfahrtsstaat werden. Nur: Die riesigen Waldgebiete werden jetzt für Biotreibstoffe gerodet
25 April 201919 April 2019 New report: Nordic frontrunners on wood in construction push the envelope Publication of the Nordic Wood in Construction Secretariat cements wood as the future of construction
19 February 201819 February 2018 Norway establishes international high-level panel on sustainable ocean economy Resolution put forward by Norway was passed at the UN Environment Assembly in December