2 November 202331 October 2023 Supply chain letter on the need for mass balance fuel-use exempt for chemical recycling 20 associations call on EU Member States to urgently adopt mass balance fuel-use exempt as the EU harmonised mass balance method for allocating recycled content via chemical recycling
Verbände fordern Anerkennung von „Fuel Use Exempt“-Massenbilanzierung 20 europäische Verbände fordern eine EU-weite Regulierung und Anerkennung von Massenbilanzen für das chemische Recycling nach der „Fuel Use Exempt“-Regel
13 December 20218 December 2021 European Bioplastics Conference confirms bioplastics make significant contributions to the European Union’s ambitious climate goals New European Bioplastics market data, based on research from the nova-institute, gave a very positive outlook for bioplastics production
16 February 201814 February 2018 Packaging and the environment: A plan for plastics Commission ready to push ahead with a headline goal of making all plastics produced in the EU reusable or recyclable by 2030
7 December 20156 December 2015 Timmermans defends ambition of new Circular Economy package New legislation is under heightened scrutiny, because Commission First Vice-President Frans Timmermans promised, the new package would be “more ambitious” than its predecessor
25 September 201424 September 2014 Biokunststoffe fördern ein ressourceneffizientes Europa 9. European Bioplastics Konferenz mit vielseitigem Programm 2014
Bioplastics – driving a resource efficient Europe 9th European Bioplastics Conference – Programme out now!
19 September 2008 21. DuPont Packaging Awards ausgeschrieben Preise für nachhaltige Verpackungsinnovationen