12 December 20235 December 2023 Flexible and efficient co-production of clean fuels for hard-to-decarbonize sectors Bioenergy will play a crucial role in this transition, supporting the achievement of the 32% renewable energy goal by 2030 and boosting renewable energy in sectors such as transport, off-grid energy and industry
27 February 202323 February 2023 Ripple Effects Once a rising powerhouse in the industry, the Russian biomass sector is on the downslide
9 January 202329 December 2022 Plasma technology makes recycling of CO₂ local and 100% circular The BluePlasma consortium receives approval from VLAIO to set up an R&D pilot project
8 July 20225 July 2022 Circular plastics for green growth markets To make circular solutions in the product portfolio even more recognizable to customers in the future, Covestro has developed the brand "CQ" concept which stands for "Circular Intelligence" and indicates the alternative raw material base for the company's products if it is at least 25 percent
Zirkuläre Kunststoffe für grüne Wachstumsmärkte Um zirkuläre Lösungen für Kunden künftig noch besser erkennbar zu machen, hat Covestro das Konzept "CQ" entwickelt, was für "Circular Intelligence" steht und für jeweilige Produkte des Unternehmens die alternative Rohstoffbasis anzeigt, wenn sie mindestens 25 Prozent beträgt
24 March 202221 March 2022 Covestro wird klimaneutral Weiterer Meilenstein zur vollständigen Ausrichtung auf Kreislaufwirtschaft
3 January 20223 January 2022 Covestro starts offering the world’s first climate-neutral* polycarbonate Climate-neutral* solutions to meet climate and sustainability goals
Covestro startet Angebot des weltweit ersten klimaneutralen* Polycarbonats Klimaneutrale* Lösungen zur Erreichung der Klima- und Nachhaltigkeitsziele
25 January 202120 January 2021 Total and Engie partner to develop France’s largest site for the production of green hydrogen from 100% renewable electricity 40 MW electrolyser will produce 5 tonnes of green hydrogen per day to meet the needs of the biofuel production process at Total's La Mède biorefinery
20 November 20209 September 2021 € 140 Mio project transforms CO2 into green raw material in North Sea Port North-C-Methanol: largest installations worldwide
30 October 20209 September 2021 Multi-million-euro project transforms CO2 into green raw material in North Sea Port They will also generate 44,000 tons of “green” methanol locally, which can be used as feedstock for the chemicals and renewables industries, as well as fuel for ships and trains
15 May 20209 September 2021 Hafen von Antwerpen: Konsortium treibt Projekt für Power-to-Methanol voran Geplante Demonstrationsanlage soll 8.000 tpa grünes Methanol produzieren und dabei ebenso viel an Treibhausgasen einsparen
INOVYN plays role in ambitious ‘Power to Methanol’ project in Antwerp A planned industrial-scale demonstration unit would produce 8,000tpa of sustainable methanol and would save at least 8,000tpa of CO2 emissions every year
21 April 20209 September 2021 MULTIPLHY – Green hydrogen for Renewable products refinery in rotterdam CEA, Neste, Paul Wurth, ENGIE and Sunfire announce a project-partnership to build and operate the world’s first multi-megawatt scale high-temperature electrolyser for highly efficient hydrogen production
MULTIPLHY – Grüner Wasserstoff für Raffinerie erneuerbarer Produkte in Rotterdam CEA, Neste, Paul Wurth, ENGIE und Sunfire haben eine Projektpartnerschaft zum Bau und Betrieb des weltweit ersten Multi-Megawatt Hochtemperatur-Elektrolyseurs zur hocheffizienten Wasserstoffproduktion angekündigt
20 September 20199 September 2021 Grüner Wasserstoff ist weltweit auf dem Vormarsch Auf der Weltenergiekonferenz diskutieren die Staaten über Power-to-X. Dass die Energiewende ohne die Technologie nicht zu bewältigen ist, stellt fast niemand mehr in Frage
29 April 20199 September 2021 Biosolar cells: moving forward step by step There are many research programs in the area of direct conversion of sunlight, and each of those takes this technology a step further
30 May 201722 May 2017 TO-SYN-FUEL: Turning sewage sludge into fuels and hydrogen TO-SYN-FUEL is a project funded by Horizon 2020 EU’s new research and innovation programme