23 January 202522 January 2025 Non-conventional yeasts: promising cell factories for organic acid bioproduction Microbial production of organic acids has been hindered by the poor acid tolerance of microorganisms and the high costs of waste salt reprocessing
29 August 202422 August 2024 Engineering Ni-Co bimetallic interfaces for ambient plasma-catalytic CO2 hydrogenation to methanol Plasma catalysis offers a flexible and decentralized solution for CO2 hydrogenation to methanol under ambient conditions, avoiding the high temperatures and pressures required for thermal catalysis
5 August 20242 August 2024 Spatially-explicit land use change emissions and carbon payback times of biofuels under the Carbon Offsetting and Reduction Scheme for International Aviation (CORSIA) The Carbon Offsetting and Reduction Scheme for International Aviation (CORSIA) requires airlines to offset their greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions above 2019 levels by either buying carbon offsets or using Sustainable Aviation Fuels (SAFs)
Sind nachhaltige Flugtreibstoffe wirklich nachhaltig? Biokraftstoffe sind ein vielversprechender Weg, um die Kohlenstoffemissionen des Luftverkehrs zu reduzieren und damit einen Beitrag zur Erreichung der globalen Klimaziele zu leisten
15 June 202313 June 2023 Milligrams to kilograms: making microbes work at scale Scale-down technology offers a relatively cost-effective way to mimic common industrial stresses on a laboratory scale
10 May 20238 May 2023 A hot topic: thermophilic plastic biodegradation Enzyme treatment of plastics at elevated temperatures can catalyze plastic biodegradation by improving enzyme accessibility to the polymer
9 January 202329 December 2022 Carbon-negative synthetic biology: challenges and emerging trends of cyanobacterial technology Excessive CO2 emissions are one of the most widely discussed challenges in the 21st century. Carbon-negative production of value-added chemicals by cyanobacterial cell factories has been considered a top priority for solving such problems
19 January 202116 January 2021 Grand Challenges for Industrializing Polyhydroxyalkanoates (PHAs) Next-generation industrial biotechnology is expected to reduce the bioproduction cost and process complexity, leading to successful commercial production of PHAs
8 May 20207 May 2020 Novel Strategies and Platforms for Industrial Isoprenoid Engineering This review provides an overview of promising engineering strategies that have proven to be successful for the high-yield production of isoprenoids
5 May 202029 April 2020 Genetic Biosensor Design for Natural Product Biosynthesis in Microorganisms This study examines strategies for selection of genetic parts and construction principles for the design and evaluation of genetic biosensors
29 April 202027 April 2020 Waste or Gold? Bioelectrochemical Resource Recovery in Source-Separated Urine The study reviews the resource recovery performance of BESs fed with source-separated urine over the past decade
24 April 202022 April 2020 Biotechnological Potential for Microplastic Waste This article emphasizes the role of biotechnology in addressing the issue of microplastic waste
23 April 202022 April 2020 Fifty Shades of Blue: How Blue Biotechnology is Shaping the Bioeconomy The bioeconomy is a new paradigm for the sustainable development of society
21 April 202017 April 2020 Material–Microbe Interfaces for Solar-Driven CO2 Bioelectrosynthesis This review discusses various approaches to improve the electron uptake by microbes at the bioinorganic interface
12 November 201910 November 2019 Biotechnological Advances in the Design of Algae-Based Biosensors Algae-based biosensors have demonstrated potential for sensitive, sustainable, and multiplexed detection of analytes of agroenvironmental and security interest
13 August 201811 August 2018 Pretreatment of lignocellulosic wastes for biofuel production: A critical review Different pretreatments used for biofuel production in recent years
9 February 20186 February 2018 3D Printing of Bacteria: The Next Frontier in Biofabrication Bacterial species are now being mixed with various bioinks to produce functional complex materials using 3D printing
19 April 201615 April 2016 Winners of the First Green and Sustainable Chemistry Challenge Announced The challenge aims to promote projects that offer environmentally friendly and sustainable processes, products and resources applicable for use in developing countries
Gewinner der ersten Green and Sustainable Chemistry Challenge stehen fest Gefördert werdne Projekte, die an umweltfreundlichen und nachhaltigen Prozessen, Produkten und Ressourcen arbeiten, die in Entwicklungsländern anwendbar sind
17 March 201615 March 2016 International Collaboration for Sustainable Bioeconomy Development between Brazil and The Netherlands Signed at ECO-BIO conference, 7 March 2016 in Rotterdam
3 March 20162 March 2016 Automakers experiment with biobased composites About 100 tons of processed jute fibers were used in 2015 for automotive parts
17 June 2013 Biofuels and Renewable Chemicals’s Hottest Partners for 2013-14 You chose - here are the winners in this year’s poll