15 January 202115 September 2021 Urban Algae Folly at Milan Expo 2015 A combination of micro-algal cultures and real-time digital cultivation protocols, the interactive pavilion has evolved from ecoLogicStudio’s six years long research on building integrated bio-digital systems
13 February 20199 September 2021 Algen als Gebäudeverkleidung Algenvorhang ermöglicht CO2-Speicherung und Kühlung
8 June 20155 June 2015 Will buildings of the future be cloaked in algae? Built by a London architecture firm, a new gazebo has a living "skin" that produces oxygen and absorbs considerable amounts of carbon dioxide
12 November 201418 March 2015 World’s first Urban Algae Canopy produces the oxygen equivalent of four hectares of woodland every day Innovative technology design to enhance the already exceptional properties of microalgae