15 December 201713 December 2017 Bio-On and AkzoNobel continue their collaborative relationship Aim of the collaboration is to continue to investigate the use of biodegradable and bio-based polymers as components in fouling control coatings
Bio-On und AkzoNobel wollen weiterhin zusammenarbeiten Ziel der Zusammenarbeit ist es, die Verwendung der biologisch abbaubaren, biobasierten Polymere in Bewuchskontrollbeschichtungen weiter zu erforschen
8 April 20156 April 2015 NWO opens call for proposals on Biobased Performance Materials (BPM2-NWO) Additional call used in the field of bio-based performance materials, conducted by Wageningen UR FBR
20 June 201420 June 2014 Wageningen UR: New boost for research and development in biobased performance materials Biobased Performance Materials program secures 4 more years of funding